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candidates supported by both major parties
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2. Connecticut 1800 Council of Assistants, Nomination
3. Connecticut 1816 Council of Assistants, Nomination
4. Connecticut 1816 U.S. House of Representatives
5. Connecticut 1817 Council of Assistants, Nomination
6. Connecticut 1817 Lieutenant Governor
7. Connecticut 1818 Council of Assistants
8. Connecticut 1818 Council of Assistants, Nomination
9. Connecticut 1818 U.S. House of Representatives
10. Connecticut 1818 U.S. House of Representatives, Nomination
11. Connecticut 1819 Secretary of State
12. Connecticut 1819 State Senate
13. Connecticut 1820 Secretary of State
14. Connecticut 1820 State Senate
15. Connecticut 1824 Electoral College
16. Delaware 1821 House of Representatives, New Castle County
17. Maryland 1789 Electoral College, Western Shore
18. Maryland 1818 U.S. House of Representatives, District 8
19. Maryland 1820 U.S. House of Representatives, District 8
20. Maryland 1822 Alderman, Annapolis
21. Maryland 1822 Common Council, Annapolis
22. Maryland 1822 House of Delegates, Cecil County
23. Massachusetts 1788 Electoral College, Suffolk District
24. Massachusetts 1800 State Senate, Suffolk County
25. Massachusetts 1801 State Senate, Suffolk County
26. Massachusetts 1803 House of Representatives, Boston
27. Massachusetts 1803 State Senate, Suffolk County, Special
28. Massachusetts 1804 House of Representatives, Boston
29. Massachusetts 1804 State Senate, Suffolk County
30. Massachusetts 1805 Selectman, Boston
31. Massachusetts 1807 Selectman, Boston
32. Massachusetts 1808 Selectman, Boston
33. Massachusetts 1809 Assessor, Salem
34. Massachusetts 1812 Selectman, Springfield
35. Massachusetts 1814 Assessor, Lynn
36. Massachusetts 1814 Overseer of the Poor, Lynn
37. Massachusetts 1814 Selectman, Lynn
38. Massachusetts 1814 Town Clerk, Lynn
39. Massachusetts 1816 Selectman, Boston
40. Massachusetts 1820 Selectman, Boston, Ballot 2
41. Massachusetts 1820 State Senate, Suffolk County
42. Massachusetts 1821 State Senate, Essex County
43. Massachusetts 1822 Governor's Council, Ballot 2
44. Massachusetts 1822 House of Representatives, Boston
45. Massachusetts 1822 State Senate, Suffolk County
46. Massachusetts 1823 Alderman, Boston
47. Massachusetts 1823 Fireward, Boston, Ward 5
48. Massachusetts 1823 House of Representatives, Boston
49. Massachusetts 1823 State Senate, Hampshire County
50. Massachusetts 1823 State Senate, Suffolk District
51. Massachusetts 1824 Alderman, Boston
52. Massachusetts 1824 State Senate, Nantucket County
53. New Hampshire 1813 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
54. New Hampshire 1814 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
55. New Hampshire 1814 Treasurer, Hillsborough County
56. New Hampshire 1814 Treasurer, Strafford County
57. New Hampshire 1815 Registry of Deeds, Cheshire County
58. New Hampshire 1815 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
59. New Hampshire 1815 Treasurer, Hillsborough County
60. New Hampshire 1816 Registry of Deeds, Hillsborough County
61. New Hampshire 1816 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
62. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Hillsborough County
63. New Hampshire 1817 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
64. New Hampshire 1818 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
65. New Hampshire 1819 Registry of Deeds, Cheshire County
66. New Hampshire 1819 Registry of Deeds, Hillsborough County
67. New Hampshire 1819 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
68. New Hampshire 1819 Selectman, Concord
69. New Hampshire 1819 Treasurer, Cheshire County
70. New Hampshire 1819 Treasurer, Hillsborough County
71. New Hampshire 1820 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
72. New Hampshire 1821 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
73. New Hampshire 1822 Registry of Deeds, Rockingham County
74. New Hampshire 1824 State Senate, District 4
75. New Hampshire 1824 Treasurer, Merrimack County
76. New Jersey 1797 Assembly, Essex County
77. New Jersey 1803 Assembly, Bergen County
78. New Jersey 1805 Assembly, Salem County
79. New Jersey 1807 Legislative Council, Salem County
80. New Jersey 1812 Assembly, Bergen County
81. New Jersey 1813 Assembly, Morris County
82. New Jersey 1814 Sheriff, Cumberland County
83. New Jersey 1815 Legislative Council, Somerset County
84. New Jersey 1819 Assembly, Salem County
85. New Jersey 1821 Legislative Council, Burlington County
86. New Jersey 1821 Legislative Council, Hunterdon County
87. New Jersey 1822 Assembly, Bergen County
88. New Jersey 1822 Assembly, Somerset County
89. New Jersey 1822 Coroner, Burlington County
90. New Jersey 1822 Legislative Council, Burlington County
91. New Jersey 1823 Coroner, Burlington County
92. New Jersey 1824 Assembly, Gloucester County
93. New Jersey 1824 Legislative Council, Burlington County
94. New York 1788 State Senate, Southern District
95. New York 1794 Assembly, New York County
96. New York 1795 Assembly, Dutchess County
97. New York 1798 Assembly, Ulster County
98. New York 1799 Assembly, Dutchess County
99. New York 1801 Assembly, Rensselaer County
100. New York 1801 State Senate, Eastern District
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candidates supported by both major parties
As early as the first Federal elections in 1788, there were candidates, who while alligned with one party or another, was supported in the press by both parties in a particular election.