Massachusetts 1823 Alderman, Boston

Alderman (City)
Massachusetts 1823 Alderman, Boston
First Ballot
Asher Benjamin, Daniel Baxter, Caleb Eddy, George Odiorne, David W. Child, Enoch Patterson, Joseph H. Dorr, Stephen Hooper, Joseph Jenkins, William Barry, Samuel T. Armstrong, Daniel Hastings, Otis Everett
Candidates: Asher Benjamin[1]Daniel Baxter[2]Caleb Eddy[3]George Odiorne[4]David W. Child[5]Enoch Patterson[6]Joseph H. Dorr[7]Stephen Hooper[8]Joseph JenkinsWilliam BarrySamuel T. ArmstrongDaniel HastingsOtis Everett
Affiliation:supported by both partiessupported by both partiessupported by both partiesFederalistFederalistFederalistFederalistFederalistFederalistRepublicanRepublicanRepublican
Final Result: [9][10][11]464342744132266926332553245724332351222221982122147
City of Boston464342744132266926332553245724332351222221982122147
Ward One29229525320993919293127218209202-
Ward Two3042842862511069010259222206207212-
Ward Three385366370248192144140142168254247247-
Ward Four509472478233292295269280151229222214-
Ward Five468427425241227240230231255248230232147
Ward Six315317223195149151144144211181174181-
Ward Seven464421414166317314312312220153159159-
Ward Eight466426427185313302297300341165169161-
Ward Nine306200185164213197199201134109111106-
Ward Ten 420395394364279258249252130168169123-
Ward Eleven379357364231250277229226211150153144-
Ward Twelve335314313182202194194193181141148141-


[9]"One circumstance in the late election is worthy of note, as it goes to prove that those are not always most popular with the people whose names are put in nomination at primary meetings or caucuses. Mr. Jenkins, of the present board of Aldermen, was put in nomination by both parties, and his name was printed on all the tickets distributed on the day of election, and yet he received less than one half the number of votes given in for Alderman, and consequently is not re-elected." Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot (Boston, MA). April 16, 1823.
[10]The Official Returns only listed the votes for those elected and as seen they did not agree with the votes as reported in the newspapers. The Official Returns: Asher Benjamin 4643, Daniel Baxter 4274, Caleb Eddy 4175, George Odiorne 2669, David W. Child 2651, Enoch Patterson 2561, Joseph H. Dorr 2457, Stephen Hooper 2432.
[11]"Whole number of ballots 4782. Necessary to a choice 2392." Columbian Centinel (Boston, MA). April 19, 1823.


New-England Palladium and Commercial Advertiser (Boston, MA). April 15, 1823.
Columbian Centinel (Boston, MA). April 16, 1823.
Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot (Boston, MA). April 16, 1823.
Boston Commercial Gazette (Boston, MA). April 17, 1823.
Boston Weekly Messenger (Boston, MA). April 17, 1823.
Columbian Centinel (Boston, MA). April 19, 1823.
Independent Chronicle and Boston Patriot (Boston, MA). April 19, 1823.

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