Massachusetts 1804 House of Representatives, Boston
- Office:
- House of Representatives (State)
- Title:
- State Representative
- Jurisdiction:
- State
- Label:
- Massachusetts 1804 House of Representatives, Boston
- Date:
- 1804
- State:
- Massachusetts
- Type:
- General
- Iteration:
- First Ballot
- Office/Role:
- House of Representatives/State Representative
- Candidates:
- Abiel Smith, Jonathan Hunewell, William Smith, Harrison Gray Otis, John Wells, William Sullivan, William Spooner, Samuel Clapp, Samuel Brown, Russell Sturgis, David Tilden, David Townsend, Robert Gardner
Candidates: | Abiel Smith[1] | Jonathan Hunewell[2] | William Smith[3] | Harrison Gray Otis[4] | John Wells[5] | William Sullivan[6] | William Spooner[7] | Samuel Clapp | Samuel Brown | Russell Sturgis | David Tilden | David Townsend | Robert Gardner |
Affiliation: | supported by both parties | Federalist | Federalist | Federalist | Federalist | Federalist | Federalist | Republican | Republican | Republican | Republican | Republican | Republican |
Final Result: | 1971 | 1136 | 1128 | 1119 | 1117 | 1105 | 1095 | 896 | 892 | 892 | 890 | 878 | 844 |
Town of Boston[8][9][10] | 1971 | 1136 | 1128 | 1119 | 1117 | 1105 | 1095 | 896 | 892 | 892 | 890 | 878 | 844 |
[8]The Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA) and Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA) and The Independent Chronicle (Boston, MA) report 877 votes for David Townsend.
[9]"The election of REPRESENTATIVES to the General Court, was made in this town on Wednesday last. Previous to the choice, a difference in sentiment existed among the Federalists, on some of the candidates proposed; and an accommodation not being effected in season, many hundreds federalists, whose names can be ascertained by inspecting the lists, did not attend the poll ... There were several scattering votes, for other federal gentlemen ... A comparison of the votes given to the above democratic ticket, with those given the same ticket, for several years past, will incontrovertibly demonstrate; that the WHOLE STRENGTH of of the democrats was mustered, and brought into action.--The distribution of notifications on the morning of the election;--the exertions of domiciliary committees to rally the wards;--the unusual number of the vote distributors, all confirm the fact.--Whereas the insidious handbill, purporting to have been issued on the authority of the Conert-Hall caucus, and calling upon the Federal Shopkeepers, Traders, and all interested in the Exchange Office scheme, to withhold their appearance at the poll, was put in circulation to keep back the federal votes. How many were the dupes of this intrigue, cannot be ascertained; that it had some effect cannot be questioned. When these facts are contemplated, the Federalists have sufficient cause to be completely gratified at the result of the election." Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). May 12, 1804.
[10]"Yesterday the inhabitants of Boston, assembled at Fanuiel-Hall for the purpose of electing a suitable number of persons to represent the town, in the General Court of this Commonwealth, for the year ensuing. The poll was opened at 11, and continued open until half past 2 o'clock, when the returns of Votes were declared by the Town Clerk, to be as follows ... The whole number of votes was 1976; the seven gentlemen on the first column, who composed the federal list, having a majority, were accordingly elected. The average of the majority, which the federalists have obtained on this occasion, is about 235. This result ought to be viewed as highly honourable to those who contributed to its attainment, when it is considered, that besides the zeal of the democratic opposition, which appeared to be no ways diminished, the federal votes were far short of those, which the party in times of more zeal and unanimity have been accustomed to give." Boston Gazette (Boston, MA). May 10, 1804.
Boston Town Records. 166.
Boston Gazette (Boston, MA). May 10, 1804.
The Independent Chronicle (Boston, MA). May 10, 1804.
Columbian Centinel and Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). May 12, 1804.
The Independent Chronicle (Boston, MA). June 4, 1804.
Republican Spy (Springfield, MA). June 11, 1804.
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