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Tarlton, William
New Hampshire 1808 U.S. House of Representatives
New Hampshire 1809 Governor
New Hampshire 1812 U.S. House of Representatives
New Hampshire 1806 U.S. House of Representatives
New Hampshire 1807 State Senate, District 11
New Hampshire 1806 State Senate, District 11
New Hampshire 1808 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1802 Governor's Council, Grafton County
New Hampshire 1808 State Senate, District 11
New Hampshire 1806 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1806 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1808 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1801 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1807 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1809 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1802 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1810 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1803 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1804 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1805 State Senate, District 12
New Hampshire 1814 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1809 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
New Hampshire 1807 State Senate, District 12