2. Tennessee 1796 State Senate, Jefferson County
3. Tennessee 1796 State Senate, Knox County
4. Tennessee 1796 State Senate, Sevier County
5. Tennessee 1799 State Senate, Montgomery and Robertson Counties
6. Tennessee 1803 State Senate, Anderson, Knox and Roane Counties
7. Tennessee 1803 State Senate, Carter and Washington Counties
8. Tennessee 1805 State Senate, Cocke and Jefferson Counties
9. Tennessee 1809 State Senate, Knox County
10. Tennessee 1809 State Senate, Winchester District
11. Tennessee 1811 State Senate, Davidson County
12. Tennessee 1811 State Senate, Grainger County
13. Tennessee 1811 State Senate, Maury and Rutherford Counties
14. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Anderson, Roane, Rhea, and Bledsoe Counties
15. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Campbell, Claiborne, and Grainger Counties
16. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Carter and Washington Counties
17. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Davidson County
18. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Dickson and Hickman Counties
19. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Franklin and Warren Counties
20. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Hawkins and Sullivan Counties
21. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Jackson, Overton, and White Counties
22. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Knox County
23. Tennessee 1813 State Senate, Smith County
24. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Blount and Sevier Counties
25. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Cocke and Jefferson Counties
26. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Giles and Lincoln Counties
27. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Humphreys County
28. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Maury County
29. Tennessee 1815 State Senate, Overton and White Counties
30. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Anderson, Bledsoe, Rhea, and Roane Counties
31. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Bedford and Rutherford Counties
32. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Blount and Sevier Counties
33. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Campbell, Claibourne, and Grainger Counties
34. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Cocke and Jefferson Counties
35. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Davidson County
36. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Greene County
37. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Hawkins and Sullivan County
38. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Knox County
39. Tennessee 1817 State Senate, Williamson County
40. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Anderson, Morgan, and Rhea Counties
41. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Blount and Sevier Counties
42. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Campbell and Grainger Counties
43. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Carter and Washington Counties
44. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Cocke and Jefferson Counties
45. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Davidson County
46. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Franklin and Warren Counties
47. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Greene County
48. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Hawkins County
49. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Humphreys, Montgomery, and Stewart Counties
50. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Knox County
51. Tennessee 1819 State Senate, Williamson County
52. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Anderson, Bledsoe, Hamilton, McMinn, Morgan, Rhea and Roane Counties
53. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Blount, Cocke, Monroe and Sevier Counties
54. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Greene and Jefferson Counties
55. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Hawkins County
56. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Knox County
57. Tennessee 1821 State Senate, Montgomery and Robertson Counties
58. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Bedford County
59. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Blount, Cocke, Monroe, and Sevier Counties
60. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Carroll, Henderson, Henry, Humphreys, Perry, and Stewart Counties
61. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Davidson, Dickson, and Williamson Counties
62. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Franklin and Warren Counties
63. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Giles and Lincoln Counties
64. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Greene County
65. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Hardin, Hickman, Lawrence, Madison, Shelby and Wayne Counties
66. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Hawkins and Sullivan Counties
67. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Knox County
68. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Maury County
69. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Montgomery and Robertson Counties
70. Tennessee 1823 State Senate, Rutherford County
The state of Tennessee originally was the western district of North Carolina. It formally separated from the mother state in 1790, at which time it became the federal Territory South of the River Ohio. In 1795 territorial Governor William Blount called for a constitutional convention, and on February 6, 1796, the convention unanimously approved a document and submitted it to the government in Philadelphia. The House of Representatives subsequently supported Tennessee's bid for statehood, but Senate Federalists disliked the constitution for a number of reasons. A conference committee managed to resolve major differences, however, and Congress formally recognized the state of Tennessee in May 1796.
The 1796 constitution comprised eleven articles, the eleventh being a declaration of rights that included free navigation of the Mississippi River. Both the executive and the judiciary were firmly under the control of the bicameral General Assembly. In terms of democratic practices, the constitution gave the right to vote to all freemen over twenty-one and did not impose any explicit racial restrictions, which meant that Tennessee's miniscule but growing free black population had the franchise as well. The constitution also provided for a written ballot and apportioned representation on the basis of taxable inhabitants. Elections for both governor and the General Assembly were held once every two years.
Tennessee was universally Jeffersonian by 1796, but that fact masks significant political complexity. During Tennessee's territorial phase, a small clique of surveyors and speculators had controlled government institutions. They used land accumulation to establish themselves, and they maintained political control because no formal mechanism existed for ordinary settlers to undermine their authority. At the turn of the nineteenth century, however, a burst of militia elections gave ordinary Tennesseans access to positions of community importance. These elections also established a precedent for political opposition. Soon the elite had to construct broad constituencies in an increasingly vibrant popular democracy.
This shifting political culture coincided with remarkable economic and demographic development, particularly in the region surrounding Nashville. Between 1796 and 1801 the population there grew 200 percent, and by 1815 many of the 292,590 residents were committed to cotton and tobacco cultivation. Commercial agriculture in turn created a mercantile class that integrated "Middle" Tennessee into a global economy. Yet competition associated with this economy created unforeseen popular divisions. Even as planting and merchant interests looked to the government to expedite commercial growth, ordinary farmers believed that limited land accessibility and excessive debt threatened their stability. They therefore used the political sphere to contest more expansive definitions of progress. These debates helped establish "party" interests out of the universal Jeffersonian political culture, and such divisions were solidified through the panic of 1819.
Middle Tennessee's development stood in sharp contrast to that of the eastern district, which was bounded by the Appalachian Mountains in the east and Cumberland Plateau in the west, and where the soil was generally too poor for significant commercial farming. The region's more self-contained existence made for less dynamic economic development between 1787 and 1825, an issue noted by early nineteenth-century leaders of both regions.
- Abernethy, Thomas Perkins.
From Frontier to Plantation in Tennessee: A Study in Frontier Democracy. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1932. - Cumfer, Cynthia.
Separate Peoples, One Land: The Minds of Cherokees, Blacks and Whites on the Tennessee Frontier. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. - Finger, John R.
Tennessee Frontiers: Three Regions in Transition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001. - Ray, Kristofer.
Middle Tennessee, 1775–1825: Progress and Popular Democracy on the Southwestern Frontier. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2007. - Remini, Robert.
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire, 1767–1821. New York: Harper & Row, 1977. - The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture
- Tennessee Documentary History 1796-1850
State Senate
The upper house of the State Legislature. Until 1792, the upper house in Delaware was the Council. Until 1819, the upper house in Connecticut was the Council of Assistants. By 1825, all of the states had an upper house called the State Senate except New Jersey, whose upper house was the Legislative Council and Vermont, which had a unicameral legislature.
1787 - 1825: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
Office Scope: State
Role Scope: State (Connecticut) / County / District / City / Parish