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12. Ohio 1811 Coroner, Highland County
13. Ohio 1811 Coroner, Knox County
14. Ohio 1811 Coroner, Miami County
15. Ohio 1811 Coroner, Montgomery County
16. Ohio 1811 Coroner, Warren County
17. Pennsylvania 1811 Coroner, Armstrong County
18. Pennsylvania 1811 Coroner, Berks County
19. Pennsylvania 1811 Coroner, Chester County
20. Pennsylvania 1811 Coroner, Dauphin County
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Coroner: An officer of a county, district or municipality (formally also of the royal household), originally charged with maintaining the rights of the private property of the crown; in modern times his chief function is to hold inquests on the bodies of those supposed to have died by violence or accident.
Oxford English Dictionary
1787 - 1824: Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennyslvania
Office Scope: County / District (some combined counties within Ohio and Pennsylvania)
Role Scope: County / District (some combined counties within Ohio and Pennsylvania)