New Hampshire 1804 Electoral College

Electoral College (Federal)
New Hampshire 1804 Electoral College
New Hampshire
First Ballot
Electoral College/Elector
Levi Bartlett, John Goddard, Robert Alcock, William Tarlton, Timothy Walker, Jonathan Steele, George Aldrich, Oliver Peabody, Robert Wallace, William Hale, John Prentiss, Timothy Farrar, Benjamin West, Charles Johnson, John Bradley, scattering
Electors: Levi Bartlett[1]John Goddard[2]Robert Alcock[3]William Tarlton[4]Timothy Walker[5]Jonathan Steele[6]George Aldrich[7]Oliver PeabodyRobert WallaceWilliam HaleJohn PrentissTimothy FarrarBenjamin WestCharles JohnsonJohn Bradleyscattering
Presidential Candidate:Thomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonThomas JeffersonCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. PinckneyCharles C. Pinckney
Final Result: [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]90889084907590729048903389958386838583818380837783688364--
Cheshire County----------------
Town of Acworth6161616161616167676767676767--
Town of Alstead39393939393939150150150150150150150--
Town of Charlestown1515151515151556565656565656--
Town of Chesterfield4949494949494998989898989898--
Town of Claremont44444444444444120120120120120120120--
Town of Cornish6565656565656586868686868686--
Town of Croydon4040404040404025252525252525--
Town of Dublin3434343434343485858585858585--
Town of Fitzwilliam2323232323232397979797979797--
Town of Gilsum1919191919191931313131313131--
Town of Goshen333333317171717171717--
Town of Hinsdale[17]2323232323232319191919191919--
Town of Jaffrey11111111111111153153153153153153153--
Town of Keene22222222222222185185185185185185185--
Town of Langdon3030303030303028282828282828--
Town of Lempster4646464646464654545454545454--
Town of Marlborough15151515151515100100100100100100100--
Town of Marlow545454545454542222222--
Town of New Grantham2828282828282819191919191919--
Town of Newport1313131313131369696969696969--
Town of Packersfield11111111111111127127127127127127127--
Town of Plainfield6161616161616138383838383838--
Town of Richmond1461461461461461461463333333--
Town of Rindge[18]43434343434343141141141141141141141--
Town of Springfield1818181818181820202020202020--
Town of Stoddard5252525252525250505050505050--
Town of Sullivan1414141414141448484848484848--
Town of Surry[19]3131313131313119191919191919--
Town of Swanzey7878787878787845454545454545--
Town of Unity----------------
Town of Walpole[20]132132132132132132132106106106106106106106--
Town of Washington6565656565656529292929292929--
Town of Wendell212121212121211111111--
Town of Westmoreland136136136136136136136156156156156156156156--
Town of Winchester----------------
Grafton County----------------
Town of Adams43434343434343---------
Town of Alexandria222222216161616161616--
Town of Bartlett47474747474747---------
Town of Bath----------------
Town of Bethlehem44444447777777--
Town of Bridgewater[21]555555535353535353535--
Town of Campton1414141414141473737373737373--
Town of Canaan2525252525252582828282828282--
Town of Chatham21212121212121---------
Town of Cockburne----------------
Town of Colebrook----------------
Town of Concord3838383838383815151515151515--
Town of Coventry44444446666666--
Town of Dalton----------------
Town of Danbury999999913131313131313--
Town of Dorchester999999945454545454545--
Town of Ellsworth----------------
Town of Enfield----------------
Town of Franconia121212121212122222222--
Town of Grafton6464646464646447474747474747--
Town of Groton1313131313131339393939393939--
Town of Hanover17171717171717117117117117117117117--
Town of Haverhill3333333333333381818181818181--
Town of Hebron[22]2626262626262632323232323232--
Town of Jefferson5555555---------
Town of Lancaster-------66666666666666--
Town of Landaff191919191919196666666--
Town of Lebanon[23]35353434343534112113112112113113113--
Town of Lincoln111111111111112222222--
Town of Littleton666666630303030303030--
Town of Lyman3131313131313129292929292929--
Town of Lyme4444444116116116116116116116--
Town of New Chester----------------
Town of New Holderness-------48484848484848--
Town of Northumberland-------7777777--
Town of Orange-------20202020202020--
Town of Orford16161616161616106106106106106106106--
Town of Peeling88888888888888--
Town of Percy----------------
Town of Piermont----------------
Town of Plymouth6868686868686821212121212121--
Town of Rumney----------------
Town of Stewartstown----------------
Town of Stratford----------------
Town of Thornton-------61616161616161--
Town of Warren363636363636368888888--
Town of Wentworth717171717171717777777--
Town of Whitefield----------------
Hillsborough County----------------
Town of Amherst10110110110110110110155555555555555--
Town of Andover4747474747474737373737373737--
Town of Antrim[24]7171717171717114141414141414--
Town of Bedford4141414141414172727272727272--
Town of Boscawen[25]54545454545454104104104104104104104--
Town of Bradford2828282828282841414141414141--
Town of Brookline343434343434347777777--
Town of Deering6464646464646411111111111111--
Town of Derryfield2929292929292919191919191919--
Town of Dunbarton[26]4040404040404057575757575757--
Town of Dunstable4646464646464650505050505050--
Town of Fishersfield24242424242424---------
Town of Francestown6464646464646416161616161616--
Town of Goffstown6565656565656515151515151515--
Town of Greenfield7474747474747416161616161616--
Town of Hancock[27][28]8181818181818111111111111111--
Town of Henniker8686868686868653535353535353--
Town of Hillsborough8787878787878713131313131313--
Town of Hollis112112112112112112112103103103103103103103--
Town of Hopkinton14314314314314314314378787878787878--
Kearsage Gore25252525252525---------
Town of Litchfield1010101010101032323232323232--
Town of Lyndeborough[29]7777777777777718181818181818--
Town of Mason1818181818181855555555555555--
Town of Merrimack5050505050505041414141414141--
Town of Milford4747474747474760606060606060--
Town of Mont Vernon[30]747474747474743333333--
Town of New Boston7878787878787823232323232323--
Town of New Ipswich-------158158158158158158158--
Town of New London[31]3333333333333320202020202020--
Town of Nottingham West262626262626269999999--
Town of Peterborough6262626262626252525252525252--
Town of Salisbury7575757575757590909090909090--
Town of Sharon----------------
Town of Society Land----------------
Town of Sutton565656565656564444444--
Town of Temple[32][33]2727272727272764646464646464--
Town of Warner7979797979797926262626262626--
Town of Weare----------------
Town of Wilton9090909090909036363636363636--
Town of Windsor----------------
Rockingham County----------------
Town of Allenstown----------------
Town of Atkinson3737373737373714141414141414--
Town of Bow4343434343434326262626262626--
Town of Brentwood[34]1717171717171759595959595959--
Town of Candia7171717171717170707070707070--
Town of Canterbury[35]10410410410410410410461616161616161--
Town of Chester8888888888888885858585858585--
Town of Chichester7171717171717112121212121212--
Town of Concord1241241241241221241241541541541541541541541-
Town of Deerfield12612612612612612612634343434343434--
Town of East Kingston2323232323232310101010101010--
Town of Epping9494949494949440404040404040--
Town of Epsom1451451451451451451458888888--
Town of Exeter[36]86868686868686113113113113113113113--
Town of Greenland[37]777777777777776666666--
Town of Hampstead6060606060606018181818181818--
Town of Hampton5050505050505053535353535353--
Town of Hampton Falls999999935353535353535--
Town of Hawke242424242424246666666--
Town of Kensington4444444444444439393939393939--
Town of Kingston3737373737373712121212121212--
Town of Londonderry[38]3737373737373784848484848484--
Town of Loudon5252525252525261616161616161--
Town of New Castle626262626262621111111--
Town of Newington4848484848484818181818181818--
Town of Newmarket13813813813813813813826262626262626--
Town of Newton282828282828285555555--
Town of North Hampton7272727272727234343434343434--
Town of Northfield[39]4949494949494918181818181818--
Town of Northwood4848484848484842424242424242--
Town of Nottingham7878787878787813131313131313--
Town of Pelham1616161616161628282828282828--
Town of Pembroke4040404040404055555555555555--
Town of Pittsfield4646464646464637373737373737--
Town of Plaistow3030303030303018181818181818--
Town of Poplin[40]151515151515155555555--
Town of Portsmouth[41][42]658641658659659648658255256255255255256256-27
Town of Raymond7777777777777716161616161616--
Town of Rye129129129129129129129---------
Town of Salem----------------
Town of Sandown313131313131319999999--
Town of Seabrook17171717171717---------
Town of South Hampton30303030303030---------
Town of Stratham9191919191919129292929292929--
Town of Windham777777777777777777777--
Strafford County----------------
Town of Alton1717171717171743434343434343--
Town of Barnstead7474747474747413131313131313--
Town of Barrington[43]24242424242424154154154154154154154--
Town of Brookfield1212121212121239393939393939--
Town of Burton[44]12121212121212---------
Town of Center Harbor----------------
Town of Conway515151515151519999999--
Town of Dover[45][46]14014014014014014014075757575757575--
Town of Durham[47]13113113113113113113136363636363636--
Town of Eaton84848484848484---------
Town of Effingham585858585858589999999--
Town of Farmington6060606060606021212121212121--
Town of Gilmantown71717171717171181181181181181181181--
Town of Lee7676767676767618181818181818--
Town of Madbury3232323232323220202020202020--
Town of Meredith4747474747474741414141414141--
Town of Middleton444444448484848484848--
Town of Milton2323232323232371717171717171--
Town of Moultonborough4141414141414159595959595959--
Town of New Durham1717171717171712121212121212--
Town of New Hampton444444425252525252525--
Town of Ossipee3838383838383818181818181818--
Ossipee Gore----------------
Town of Rochester10410410410410410410424242424242424--
Town of Sanbornton24242424242424108108108108108108108--
Town of Sandwich1010101010101084848484848484--
Town of Somersworth1616161616161656565656565656--
Town of Tamworth1010101010101084848484848484--
Town of Tuftonboro303030303030307777777--
Town of Wakefield2828282828282877777777777777--
Town of Wolfeboro7474747474747417171717171717--


[8]"The electorate, which had swung from Republican to Federalist between March and August, recoiled even more quickly between August and November. Nearly 4,000 summer voters stayed at home in the fall, but two-thirds of these were Federalists and the Republican electoral ticket prevailed by an average majority of 652 votes." The Ninth State. 217.
[9]There were 122,164 total votes cast with 8727 necessary to make a choice.
[10]Only a handful of towns had their full results reported. Most newspapers only listed totals for each ticket.
[11]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) uses the name Aldridge for George Aldrich.
[12]"On Monday last came on the choice of Electors of President and Vice-President. The meeting were not so well attended as in August--no exertions were made by the Federalists--a democratic Pamphlet, filled with mis-statements, was put in circulation in particular districts, two days previous to the election--The triumph in August, in fact, lulled the Federalists into a fatal security. In this town and Alstead, only, 101 federalists who voted in August, were absent, while the democratic loss in these towns has been but 2! We shall not be surprised at the failure of the federal ticket." The New-hampshire Sentinel (Keene, NH), November 10.
[13]"The above are all the returns that have been received--the Federal Ticket has 1000 votes less than at the August election, and the Democratic about 500 less--it proves therefore incontestibly that the political sentiment of New-Hampshire has not altered since that election, indeed from the more favorable aspect of many towns we are induced to believe that a full vote of the whole state would have considerably increased the majority the federalists gave in August. The 'PAMPHLET OF LIES' circulated a few days before the election has not deceived ten citizens, and IMPARTIALIS with a loud and masculine voice still says 'READ MY PAMPHLET AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES.'" Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH), November 17.
[14]"The Election--... The meetings in general were more thinly attended than in August." Farmer's Cabinet (Amherst, NH), November 30.
[15]"RESULT OF THE ELECTORAL ELECTION. O'er vast Columbia's varied clime, Her cities, forests, shores and dales, In rising majesty sublime, Immortal LIBERTY prevails! We congratulate the friends of freedom and peace on the result of the late election in this state. The votes for electors of president and vice-president were canvassed in the legislature on Friday of last week ... ." The Political Observatory (Walpole, NH), December 1, The Providence (RI) Phoenix, December 8.
[16]The Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH) reports that the Federal slate won the election.
[17]Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH), The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Federalist Ticket with 39 votes.
[18]The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) lists the Federalist Ticket with 41 votes.
[19]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH) and Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH) list the Federalist Ticket with 10 votes.
[20]"Monday last was the day on which the freemen of this state assembled to make choice of their Electors of President and Vice-president of the U.S. ... In this town, one hundred and thirty two freemen thought it best to be content without taxes, and with a government under which they experience PERFECT FREEDOM, except so far as restraints upon crimes are necessary--and one hundred and six came forward determined to rid themselves of BURTHENS!" The Political Observatory (Walpole, NH), November 10.
[21]The Political Observatory (Walpole, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 25 votes.
[22]The Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) lists the Federalist Ticket with 34 votes.
[23]Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 35 votes.
[24]The Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 74 votes.
[25]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 58 votes and the Federalist Ticket with 108 votes.
[26]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) lists the Federalist Ticket with 50 votes.
[27]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 31 votes.
[28]"Seven men were voted for as presidential electors. Five men each received 81 votes, two received each 80 votes; and the seven who were in the minority each received 11 votes." The History of Hancock, New Hampshire. 132.
[29]The Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) lists the Federalist Ticket with 8 votes.
[30]The Political Observatory (Walpole, NH), Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 94 votes.
[31]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 32 votes.
[32]The History of Temple, N.H. lists the Federalist Ticket with 64 votes.
[33]The Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH) lists the Federalist Ticket with 61 votes.
[34]Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH) and Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) list the Federalist Ticket with 57 votes.
[35]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 86 votes and the Federalist Ticket with 46 votes.
[36]The Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH), Political Observatory (Walpole, NH), New-hampshire Sentinel (Keene, NH), Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) and Farmer's Cabinet (Amherst, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 88 votes and the Federalist Ticket with 112 votes.
[37]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH), Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH) and the Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 75 votes.
[38]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 35 votes.
[39]Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH), The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 41 votes.
[40]The Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH), Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH) and Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH) list the Federalist Ticket with 7 votes.
[41]"TOWN MEETING. Monday, Nov. 5. Agreeably to notification, the inhabitants of this town assembled, and after making choice of the Hon. JOHN LANGDON, Esq. Moderator, they proceeded to bring in their votes for seven Electors of President and Vice President. At 4 P.M. the poll being closed, the votes stood as follows: ... On this occasion the inhabitants gave a very general attendeance: the republicans have gained, since August, 36 votes--the federalists 5!!!" The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH), November 6.
[42]"In this Town the meeting was conducted with unusual regularity and notwithstanding party spirit unfortunately runs high, much apparent harmony prevailed." The Political Star (Portsmouth, NH), November 8.
[43]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Federalist Ticket with 155 votes.
[44]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) lists the Republican Ticket with 10 votes.
[45]Notable Events in the History of Dover, New Hampshire lists the Federalist Ticket with 75 votes and the Republican Ticket with 140 votes.
[46]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and Political Star (Portsmouth, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 149 votes and the Federalist Ticket with 74 votes.
[47]The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH) and The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH) list the Republican Ticket with 139 votes.


Journal of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, 1804. 16.
Journal of the New Hampshire Senate, 1804. 13.
Atkinson Town Records.
Concord Town Records, 1732-1820. 377.
Derryfield Town Records.
Eaton Town Records.
Effingham Town Records.
Kearsage Gore Town Records.
Landoff Town Records.
Lebanon Town Records.
Sutton Town Records.
Farmer's Cabinet (Amherst, NH). November 6, 1804.
The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH). November 6, 1804.
Political Star (Portsmouth, NH). November 8, 1804.
Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH). November 9, 1804.
Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH). November 10, 1804.
New-hampshire Sentinel (Keene, NH). November 10, 1804.
Political Observatory (Walpole, NH). November 10, 1804.
Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH). November 10, 1804.
The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH). November 10, 1804.
Farmer's Cabinet (Amherst, NH). November 13, 1804.
The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH). November 13, 1804.
Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH). November 14, 1804.
Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH). November 16, 1804.
Farmer's Museum (Walpole, NH). November 17, 1804.
Republican Watch-Tower (New York, NY). November 17, 1804.
Political Observatory (Walpole, NH). November 17, 1804.
Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH). November 17, 1804.
The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH). November 17, 1804.
The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH). November 20, 1804.
Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH). November 21, 1804.
Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH). November 23, 1804.
Political Observatory (Walpole, NH). November 24, 1804.
Courier of New Hampshire (Concord, NH). November 28, 1804.
Portsmouth Oracle (Portsmouth, NH). November 28, 1804.
Political Observatory (Walpole, NH). December 1, 1804.
The Providence Phoenix (Providence, RI). December 1, 1804.
Farmer's Cabinet (Amherst, NH). December 4, 1804.
The New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, NH). December 4, 1804.
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC). December 5, 1804.
The Enquirer (Richmond, VA). December 6, 1804.
Dartmouth Gazette (Hanover, NH). December 7, 1804.
New-hampshire Sentinel (Keene, NH). December 8, 1804.
The Providence Phoenix (Providence, RI). December 8, 1804.
The Sun. Dover Gazette and County Advertiser (Dover, NH). December 8, 1804.
The Virginia Argus (Richmond, VA). December 15, 1804.
The Enquirer (Richmond, VA). December 18, 1804.
Bassett, William. History of the Town of Richmond, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. Boston: C. W. Calkins, 1884. 245.
Blood, Henry Ames. The History of Temple, N.H.. Boston, MA: Geo. C. Rand and Avery, 1860. 141.
Browne, George Waldo. Early Records of the Town of Derryfield now Manchester, NH. Vol. III. Manchester, NH: City Council of Manchester, 1909. 126-127.
Bundy, David A. 100 Acres More or Less: The History of the Land and People of Bow, New Hampshire. Canaan, NH: Bow Town History Committee, 1975. 169-170, 174, 516.
Carter, Hosea B, ed. The New Hampshire Manual for the General Court, with Complete Official Succession, 1680-1891. Concord, NH: State of New Hampshire, 1891. 106.
Cogswell, Leander W. History of the Town of Henniker, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Concord, NH: Republican Press Association, 1880. 311.
Downs, Charles A. History of Lebanon, N.H. 1761-1887. Concord, NH: Rumford Printing, 1908. 215-216.
Eastman, John R. History of the Town of Andover, New Hampshire 1751-1906. Concord, NH: Rumford Printing Company, 1910. 246.
Foster, Herbert Darling, George Mendal Bridgman and Sidney Bradshaw Fay. The Records of the Town of Hanover, New Hampshire, 1761-1818. Hanover, NH: Hanover, 1905. 212.
Hayward, Silvanus. History of the Town of Gilsum, New Hampshire from 1752 to 1879. Manchester, NH: J. B. Clarke, 1881. 87.
Hayward, William Willis. The History of Hancock, New Hampshire, 1764-1889. Vol. I. Lowell, MA.: S. W. Huse and, 1889. 132.
Holmes, Richard. A View from Meeting House Hill: A History of Sandown, New Hampshire. P. E. Randall, 1988. 49.
Hoyt, Peter L. Hoyt's History of Wentworth, New Hampshire, as transcribed from the Original Manuscript by Francis A. Muzzey. Littleton, NH: Courier, 1976. 243.
Jackson, James R. History of Littleton, New Hampshire. Cambridge, MA: University Press 1905. 222.
Lord, C. C. Life and Times in Hopkinton, N.H.. Concord, NH: Republican Press Association, 1890. 102-103.
Lord, John King. A History of the Town of Hanover, N.H. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth Press, 1928. 6.
Lyon, G. Parker. The New-Hampshire Annual Register, and United States Calendar for the Year 1860. Concord, NH: Claremont Manufacturing Company, 1860. 22.
McDuffee, Franklin. History of the Town of Rochester, New Hampshire from 1722 to 1890. Manchester, NH: J. B. Clarke, 1892. 519.
Morrison, Leonard A. The History of Windham in New Hampshire (Rockingham County), 1719-1883. Boston,MA: Cupples, Upham and, 1883. 222.
Potter, C. E. History of Manchester, formerly Derryfield, in New-Hampshire. Manchester, NH: C. E. Potter, 1856. 540.
Saunderson, Henry H. The History of Charlestown, New Hampshire. Claremont, NH: Town of Claremont,1876. 674-676.
Seward, Josiah Lafayette. A History of the Town of Sullivan, New Hampshire: 1777-1917. Keene, NH: J.L. Seward, 1921. 242-243.
Smith, Charles James. History of the Town of Mount Vernon, New Hampshire. Boston, MA: Blanchard Printing, 1907. 37.
Stearns, Ezra S. History of Plymouth, New Hampshire. Cambridge, MA: University Press, 1906. 578.
Turner, Lynn Warren. The Ninth State: New Hampshire's Formative Years. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1983. 217.
Wadleigh, George. Notable Events in the History of Dover, New Hampshire. Dover, NH, 1913. 193.
Whitcher, William F. History of the Town of Haverhill, New Hampshire. 1919. 163.
Whitcher, William F. Some Things About Coventry-Benton, New Hampshire. Woodsville, NH: News Print, 1905. 146.
Unpublished manuscript culled from town returns.

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.