Vermont 1813 Council of Censors

Council of Censors (State)
Council of Censors
Vermont 1813 Council of Censors
First Ballot
Council of Censors/Council of Censors
Isaac Tichenor, Nathaniel Chipman, Ebenezer Clark, Charles Marsh, Elijah Strong, Daniel Farrand, Luther Jewett, Isaac Bailey, Nicholas Baylies, David Edmond, William Hall, Jr., Solomon Bingham, Jr., Robert Temple, Haines French, Joel Doolittle, John Foster, Asa Aldis, James Tarbox, John Burnham, Asaph Fletcher, Isaiah Fisk, Cornelius P. Van Ness, Nathan Robinson, Elijah Knight, Joel Pratt, II, Lewis Sowles, Lewis R. Morris
Candidates: Isaac Tichenor[1]Nathaniel Chipman[2]Ebenezer Clark[3]Charles Marsh[4]Elijah Strong[5]Daniel Farrand[6]Luther Jewett[7]Isaac Bailey[8]Nicholas Baylies[9]David Edmond[10]William Hall, Jr.[11]Solomon Bingham, Jr.[12]Robert Temple[13]Haines FrenchJoel DoolittleJohn FosterAsa AldisJames TarboxJohn BurnhamAsaph FletcherIsaiah FiskCornelius P. Van NessNathan RobinsonElijah KnightJoel Pratt, IILewis SowlesLewis R. Morris
Final Result: [14][15][16][17][18][19]13666136251359913578135711356413149134271338113333131491265012174121051209512087120751202711964119311188411774117561169910352102542932
Addison County---------------------------
Town of Addison[20]---------------------------
Town of Bridport[21]---------------------------
Town of Bristol[22]---------------------------
Town of Cornwall[23]---------------------------
Town of Ferrisburgh[24]---------------------------
Town of Hancock[25]---------------------------
Town of Kingston---------------------------
Town of Leicester[26]---------------------------
Town of Lincoln---------------------------
Town of Middlebury[27]---------------------------
Town of Monkton[28]---------------------------
Town of New Haven[29]---------------------------
Town of Panton---------------------------
Town of Salisbury[30]---------------------------
Town of Shoreham---------------------------
Town of Starksborough---------------------------
City of Vergennes[31]---------------------------
Town of Warren---------------------------
Town of Weybridge[32]---------------------------
Town of Whiting---------------------------
Bennington County[33]---------------------------
Town of Arlington[34]---------------------------
Town of Bennington[35]---------------------------
Town of Dorset[36]---------------------------
Town of Landgrove---------------------------
Town of Manchester[37]---------------------------
Town of Peru[38]---------------------------
Town of Pownal[39]---------------------------
Town of Readsboro[40]---------------------------
Town of Rupert[41]---------------------------
Town of Sandgate---------------------------
Town of Shaftsbury[42]---------------------------
Town of Stamford[43]---------------------------
Town of Sunderland[44]---------------------------
Town of Winhall---------------------------
Town of Woodford[45]---------------------------
Caledonia County---------------------------
Town of Barnet[46]---------------------------
Town of Burke---------------------------
Town of Cabot---------------------------
Town of Danville[47]---------------------------
Town of Groton---------------------------
Town of Hardwick[48]---------------------------
Town of Kirby[49]---------------------------
Town of Lyndon---------------------------
Town of Peacham[50]19--------------------------
Town of Ryegate---------------------------
Town of Saint Johnsbury[51]---------------------------
Town of Sheffield[52]---------------------------
Town of Sutton---------------------------
Town of Walden[53]---------------------------
Town of Waterford---------------------------
Town of Wheelock87--------------------------
Town of Woodbury29--------------------------
Chittenden County---------------------------
Town of Bolton---------------------------
Town of Burlington[54]---------------------------
Town of Charlotte[55]---------------------------
Town of Colchester---------------------------
Town of Essex[56]---------------------------
Town of Hinesburgh[57]---------------------------
Town of Huntington[58]---------------------------
Town of Jericho---------------------------
Town of Milton---------------------------
Town of Richmond---------------------------
Town of Saint George---------------------------
Town of Shelburne[59]---------------------------
Town of Underhill---------------------------
Town of Westford---------------------------
Town of Williston[60]---------------------------
Essex County---------------------------
Town of Brunswick[61]---------------------------
Town of Canaan---------------------------
Town of Concord[62]---------------------------
Town of Granby---------------------------
Town of Guildhall---------------------------
Town of Lemington[63]---------------------------
Town of Lunenburg[64]---------------------------
Town of Maidstone[65]---------------------------
Town of Minehead[66]---------------------------
Town of Newark---------------------------
Town of Westmore---------------------------
Franklin County---------------------------
Town of Bakersfield[67]---------------------------
Town of Belvidere---------------------------
Town of Berkshire[68]---------------------------
Town of Cambridge[69]---------------------------
Town of Enosburgh---------------------------
Town of Fairfax[70]---------------------------
Town of Fairfield[71]---------------------------
Town of Fletcher---------------------------
Town of Georgia[72]---------------------------
Town of Highgate[73]---------------------------
Town of Huntsburgh[74]---------------------------
Town of Johnson[75]---------------------------
Town of Montgomery[76]---------------------------
Town of Richford---------------------------
Town of Saint Albans[77]---------------------------
Town of Sheldon[78]---------------------------
Town of Sterling---------------------------
Town of Swanton[79]---------------------------
Grand Isle County---------------------------
Jefferson County---------------------------
Town of Barre[80]---------------------------
Town of Berlin[81]---------------------------
Town of Calais[82]---------------------------
Town of Duxbury[83]---------------------------
Town of Fayston---------------------------
Town of Marshfield[84]---------------------------
Town of Middlesex[85]---------------------------
Town of Montpelier[86]---------------------------
Town of Moretown[87]---------------------------
Town of Northfield[88]---------------------------
Town of Plainfield[89]---------------------------
Town of Stow[90]---------------------------
Town of Waitsfield[91]---------------------------
Town of Waterbury[92]---------------------------
Town of Worcester[93]---------------------------
Orange County---------------------------
Town of Bradford---------------------------
Town of Braintree---------------------------
Town of Brookfield---------------------------
Town of Chelsea[94]---------------------------
Town of Corinth---------------------------
Town of Fairlee---------------------------
Town of Newbury[95]---------------------------
Town of Orange---------------------------
Town of Randolph[96]---------------------------
Town of Roxbury---------------------------
Town of Strafford[97]---------------------------
Town of Thetford[98]---------------------------
Town of Topsham---------------------------
Town of Tunbridge---------------------------
Town of Vershire---------------------------
Town of Washington---------------------------
Town of West Fairlee---------------------------
Town of Williamstown[99]---------------------------
Orleans County---------------------------
Town of Barton---------------------------
Town of Brownington---------------------------
Town of Coventry---------------------------
Town of Craftsbury[100]---------------------------
Town of Derby[101]---------------------------
Town of Duncansboro---------------------------
Town of Eden---------------------------
Town of Elmore---------------------------
Town of Glover---------------------------
Town of Greensborough[102]---------------------------
Town of Holland---------------------------
Town of Hydepark---------------------------
Town of Irasburg---------------------------
Town of Kellyvale---------------------------
Town of Lutterloh[103]---------------------------
Town of Morgan---------------------------
Town of Morristown---------------------------
Town of Navy---------------------------
Town of Troy---------------------------
Town of Westfield---------------------------
Town of Wolcott[104]---------------------------
Rutland County---------------------------
Town of Benson---------------------------
Town of Brandon---------------------------
Town of Castleton---------------------------
Town of Chittenden---------------------------
Town of Clarendon---------------------------
Town of Danby[105]---------------------------
Town of Fairhaven---------------------------
Town of Hubbardton---------------------------
Town of Ira---------------------------
Town of Middletown---------------------------
Town of Mount Holly---------------------------
Town of Mount Tabor[106]---------------------------
Town of Orwell---------------------------
Town of Parkerstown---------------------------
Town of Pawlett---------------------------
Town of Philadelphia---------------------------
Town of Pittsfield[107]---------------------------
Town of Pittsford---------------------------
Town of Poultny---------------------------
Town of Rutland---------------------------
Town of Sherburne---------------------------
Town of Shrewsbury---------------------------
Town of Sudbury---------------------------
Town of Tinmouth---------------------------
Town of Wallingford---------------------------
Town of Wells---------------------------
Windham County---------------------------
Town of Athens[108]---------------------------
Town of Brattleborough[109]---------------------------
Town of Dover---------------------------
Town of Dummerston[110]---------------------------
Town of Grafton[111]---------------------------
Town of Guilford---------------------------
Town of Halifax---------------------------
Town of Jamaica---------------------------
Town of Londonderry[112]---------------------------
Town of Marlboro[113]---------------------------
Town of Newfane[114]---------------------------
Town of Putney---------------------------
Town of Rockingham[115]---------------------------
Town of Somerset[116]---------------------------
Town of Stratton---------------------------
Town of Townshend[117]---------------------------
Town of Vernon[118]---------------------------
Town of Wardsboro---------------------------
Town of Westminster[119]---------------------------
Town of Whitingham---------------------------
Town of Wilmington---------------------------
Town of Windham---------------------------
Windsor County---------------------------
Town of Andover[120]---------------------------
Town of Baltimore---------------------------
Town of Barnard[121]---------------------------
Town of Bethel[122]---------------------------
Town of Bridgewater---------------------------
Town of Cavendish---------------------------
Town of Chester[123]---------------------------
Town of Hartford---------------------------
Town of Hartland[124]---------------------------
Town of Ludlow---------------------------
Town of Norwich[125]---------------------------
Town of Plymouth[126]---------------------------
Town of Pomfret---------------------------
Town of Reading[127]---------------------------
Town of Rochester---------------------------
Town of Royalton[128]---------------------------
Town of Sharon---------------------------
Town of Springfield[129]---------------------------
Town of Stockbridge---------------------------
Town of Weathersfield[130]---------------------------
Town of Windsor[131]---------------------------
Town of Woodstock[132]---------------------------


[14]The New-York Evening Post (New York, NY) uses the name Lewis Sowler for Lewis Sowles, E. Nights for Elijah Knight, J. Fitch for Isaiah Fisk, David Edman for David Edmonds and the spelling Bayley for Isaac Bailey.
[15]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT) and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT) refer to the Federalists as the Peace Party and the Republicans as the War Party.
[16]"Mr. Temple, one of the war candidates, it will be seen, is elected on account of a want of uniformity in the peace ticket,--some voting for Gen. Morris, and others for Mr. Sowles." The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT). May 12, 1813.
[17]"Great political triumph. We announce to our readers, with no common pleasure, the complete and unequivocal triumph of principles, which we consider as favourable to the prosperity, as to the peace of the country, in the late election of a council by the statement of the votes below. We announce the political conversion of Vermont with the more pleasure, because she alone, among her sister New-England States, has hitherto 'resisted the light'; and she alone, among the Eastern States, was necessary to present a complete unanimity of sentiment and character, as they are one in interest; and because her conversion has taken place, at a time, when little hope remained of her recovery.--May it prove as lasting, as it has been gradual and hesitating. We know it is said, with confidence, that this election is of no importance, and is no expression of the public sentiment;--that the triumph will be short, and disappear before the majesty of the people when fully expressed in the election of the fall. Be it so. We would not be too confident. But considering the important duties, which devolve upon this body of men, and the distinguished talents of which it will now be composed, we cannot but think this alone a cause of no ordinary congratulation. And we cannot but recollect, that similar sentiments were expressed, when the peace ticket so nearly prevailed in the election of congressional representatives; that, notwithstanding, the change,--produced by no sudden impulse,--has been gradually progressing since the election in Sept.--from a war majority of 3209, to a like majority in December of 250, and thence to a peace majority of nearly 1500!" The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT). May 12, 1813.
[18]"Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Manchester (Va.) [sic] to his friend in this city, dated May 8th 1812. 'Supposing you would be anxious to hear the result of the election of our Council of Censors, which we choose once in seven years to examine and regulate the administration of our State Government, by general ticket; I have here given both tickets as counted which I have just received ... You will see by the above that the Federal ticket has prevailed except Mr. Sowler who lost his election by a mistake, of the east side of the Green Mountain in putting Gen. S.R. Morris in his stead and by means whereof R. Temple Esq. of the D. ticket is elected for one of the Council." New-York Evening Post (New York, NY). May 15, 1813.
[19]"We have the satisfaction of announcing to our readers, the very pleasing intelligence, that twelve on the Peace Ticket for Council of Censors have prevailed by a majority of about Fifteen Hundred. In consequence of the division between Gen. Morris and Judge Sowles, Robert Temple, Esq. the highest on the Democratic list obtained the election. The votes of Fairfax, giving a majority for Peace of upwards of 100, were lost or mislaid by the Clerk or Sheriff of the County. The votes of Derby, being a Peace majority of 40 were lost for an incorrect return of the Constable. The Peace Party have a nett gain in Vermont, since the Congressional election last December rising of eighteen hundred." Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT). April 14, 1813.
[20]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 39 votes for the Federal ticket and 73 votes for the Republican ticket in Addison.
[21]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 122 votes for the Federal ticket and 103 votes for the Republican ticket in Bridport. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 123 votes for the Federal ticket and 103 votes for the Republican ticket.
[22]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 84 votes for the Federal ticket and 55 votes for the Republican ticket in Bristol.
[23]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report a majority of 35 votes for the Federal ticket in Cornwall. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports a majority of 36 votes for the Federal ticket.
[24]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 55 votes for the Federal ticket and 53 votes for the Republican ticket in Ferrisburgh. Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, reports 55 votes for the Federal ticket and 53 votes for the Republican ticket.
[25]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 29 votes for the Federal ticket and 24 votes for the Republican ticket in Hancock. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 20 votes for the Federal ticket and 24 votes for the Republican ticket.
[26]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 130 votes for the Federal ticket and 24 votes for the Republican ticket in Leicester.
[27]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 229 votes for the Federal ticket and 64 votes for the Republican ticket in Middlebury.
[28]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 130 votes for the Federal ticket and 24 votes for the Republican ticket in Middlebury.
[29]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 98 votes for the Federal ticket and 44 votes for the Republican ticket in New Haven.
[30]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 81 votes for the Federal ticket and 48 votes for the Republican ticket in Salisbury.
[31]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 136 votes for the Federal ticket and 26 votes for the Republican ticket in Vergennes. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 126 votes for the Federal ticket and 36 votes for the Republican ticket.
[32]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 48 votes for the Federal ticket and 45 votes for the Republican ticket in Vergennes. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 48 votes for the Federal ticket and 55 votes for the Republican ticket.
[33]"The above towns give a majority for war of 38. Two towns remain to be heard from, which last fall gave a majority for Mr. Chittenden of 41, we therefore think we may safely conclude that the county of Bennington is for peace. From letters and reports received from almost every part of the State, we have very strong reasons to believe, that the peace Ticket for Censors, has been successful." Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT). April 14, 1813.
[34]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 136 votes for the Federal ticket and 37 votes for the Republican ticket in Arlington.
[35]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 229 votes for the Federal ticket and 209 votes for the Republican ticket in Bennington.
[36]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, reports 56 votes for the Federal ticket and 75 votes for the Republican ticket in Dorset.
[37]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, reports 73 votes for the Federal ticket and 87 votes for the Republican ticket in Manchester. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 72 votes for the Federal ticket and 87 votes for the Republican ticket.
[38]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, reports 17 votes for the Federal ticket and 18 votes for the Republican ticket in Peru.
[39]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 124 votes for the Federal ticket and 126 votes for the Republican ticket in Pownal.
[40]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, reports 17 votes for the Federal ticket and 20 votes for the Republican ticket in Readsboro.
[41]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report a majority of 123 votes for the Republican ticket in Rupert.
[42]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 83 votes for the Federal ticket and 153 votes for the Republican ticket in Shaftsbury.
[43]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report a majority of 2 votes for the Republican ticket in Stamford.
[44]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report a majority of 17 votes for the Republican ticket in Sunderland.
[45]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 27 votes for the Federal ticket and 11 votes for the Republican ticket in Woodford.
[46]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 132 votes for the Federal ticket and 32 votes for the Republican ticket in Barnet.
[47]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 106 votes for the Federal ticket and 223 votes for the Republican ticket in Danville.
[48]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 58 votes for the Federal ticket and 40 votes for the Republican ticket in Hardwick.
[49]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 3 votes for the Federal ticket and 26 votes for the Republican ticket in Kirby.
[50]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 177 votes for the Federal ticket and 22 votes for the Republican ticket in Peacham.
[51]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 139 votes for the Federal ticket and 41 votes for the Republican ticket in Saint Johnsbury.
[52]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 32 votes for the Federal ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Sheffield.
[53]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 27 votes for the Federal ticket and 56 votes for the Republican ticket in Walden. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 27 votes for the Federal ticket and 40 votes for the Republican ticket.
[54]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 207 votes for the Federal ticket and 166 votes for the Republican ticket in Burlington.
[55]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 98 votes for the Federal ticket and 44 votes for the Republican ticket in Charlotte.
[56]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 44 votes for the Federal ticket and 48 votes for the Republican ticket in Essex.
[57]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 84 votes for the Federal ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Hinesburgh.
[58]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 84 votes for the Federal ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Hinesburgh.
[59]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report a majority of 84 votes for the Federal ticket in Shelburne.
[60]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 113 votes for the Federal ticket and 29 votes for the Republican ticket in Williston.
[61]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 0 votes for the Federal ticket and 18 votes for the Republican ticket in Brunswick.
[62]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 50 votes for the Federal ticket and 46 votes for the Republican ticket in Concord.
[63]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 14 votes for the Federal ticket and 4 votes for the Republican ticket in Lemington.
[64]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 96 votes for the Federal ticket and 28 votes for the Republican ticket in Lunenburg.
[65]The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 1 vote for the Federal ticket and 29 votes for the Republican ticket in Lunenburg. Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 4 votes for the Federal ticket and 9 votes for the Republican ticket in Maidstone, which are the figures that The Washingtonian reports for Minehead.
[66]The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 4 vote for the Federal ticket and 9 votes for the Republican ticket in Minehead.
[67]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 87 votes for the Federal ticket and 27 votes for the Republican ticket in Bakersfield.
[68]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 53 votes for the Federal ticket and 46 votes for the Republican ticket in Berkshire.
[69]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 49 votes for the Federal ticket and 64 votes for the Republican ticket in Cambridge.
[70]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 133 votes for the Federal ticket and 42 votes for the Republican ticket in Fairfax.
[71]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 140 votes for the Federal ticket and 47 votes for the Republican ticket in Fairfield.
[72]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 90 votes for the Federal ticket and 98 votes for the Republican ticket in Georgia.
[73]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 94 votes for the Federal ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Highgate.
[74]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 35 votes for the Federal ticket and 20 votes for the Republican ticket in Huntsburgh.
[75]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 4 votes for the Federal ticket and 54 votes for the Republican ticket in Johnson.
[76]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 26 votes for the Federal ticket and 10 votes for the Republican ticket in Montgomery.
[77]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 137 votes for the Federal ticket and 72 votes for the Republican ticket in Saint Albans.
[78]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 63 votes for the Federal ticket and 23 votes for the Republican ticket in Sheldon.
[79]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 103 votes for the Federal ticket and 128 votes for the Republican ticket in Sheldon.
[80]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 83 votes for the Federal ticket and 166 votes for the Republican ticket in Barre.
[81]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 93 votes for the Federal ticket and 88 votes for the Republican ticket in Berlin.
[82]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 22 votes for the Federal ticket and 89 votes for the Republican ticket in Calais.
[83]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 36 votes for the Federal ticket and 18 votes for the Republican ticket in Calais.
[84]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 51 votes for the Federal ticket and 38 votes for the Republican ticket in Marshfield.
[85]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 40 votes for the Federal ticket and 28 votes for the Republican ticket in Middlesex.
[86]The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT), April 7, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 151 votes for the Federal ticket and 139 votes for the Republican ticket in Montpelier. Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 135 votes for the Republican ticket.
[87]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 37 votes for the Federal ticket and 20 votes for the Republican ticket in Moretown.
[88]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 17 votes for the Federal ticket and 53 votes for the Republican ticket in Northfield.
[89]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 31 votes for the Federal ticket and 19 votes for the Republican ticket in Plainfield.
[90]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 21 votes for the Federal ticket and 63 votes for the Republican ticket in Stow.
[91]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 89 votes for the Federal ticket and 15 votes for the Republican ticket in Waitsfield.
[92]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 107 votes for the Federal ticket and 39 votes for the Republican ticket in Waterbury.
[93]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 0 votes for the Federal ticket and 12 votes for the Republican ticket in Worcester.
[94]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 12, The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 102 votes for the Federal ticket and 106 votes for the Republican ticket in Chelsea.
[95]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 19, report 91 votes for the Federal ticket and 70 votes for the Republican ticket in Newbury.
[96]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 12, The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 19, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 158 votes for the Federal ticket and 229 votes for the Republican ticket in Randolph.
[97]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 25 votes for the Federal ticket and 191 votes for the Republican ticket in Strafford. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 25 votes for the Federal ticket and 197 votes for the Republican ticket.
[98]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 94 votes for the Federal ticket and 122 votes for the Republican ticket in Thetford. Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, report 94 votes for the Federal ticket and 123 votes for the Republican ticket.
[99]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 93 votes for the Federal ticket and 100 votes for the Republican ticket in Williamstown.
[100]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 44 votes for the Federal ticket and 38 votes for the Republican ticket in Craftsbury.
[101]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), May 12: "The votes of Derby, being a Peace majority of 40 were lost for an incorrect return of the Constable."
[102]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 41 votes for the Federal ticket and 38 votes for the Republican ticket in Greensborough.
[103]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 2 votes for the Federal ticket and 12 votes for the Republican ticket in Lutterloh.
[104]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 13 votes for the Federal ticket and 0 votes for the Republican ticket in Wolcott.
[105]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 19, reports 47 votes for the Federal ticket and 77 votes for the Republican ticket in Danby.
[106]Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 19, reports 8 votes for the Federal ticket and 10 votes for the Republican ticket in Mount Tabor.
[107]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 19, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 5 and 19, report 10 votes for the Federal ticket and 29 votes for the Republican ticket in Pittsfield.
[108]The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports a majority of 4 votes for the Federal ticket in Athens.
[109]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 305 votes for the Federal ticket and 17 votes for the Republican ticket in Brattleborough.
[110]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 154 votes for the Federal ticket and 36 votes for the Republican ticket in Dummerston. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 152 votes for the Federal ticket and 36 votes for the Republican ticket.
[111]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 115 votes for the Federal ticket and 80 votes for the Republican ticket in Grafton.
[112]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 36 votes for the Federal ticket and 45 votes for the Republican ticket in Dummerston. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 39 votes for the Federal ticket and 45 votes for the Republican ticket.
[113]The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 83 votes for the Federal ticket and 45 votes for the Republican ticket in Marlboro.
[114]The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 165 votes for the Federal ticket and 30 votes for the Republican ticket in Newfane.
[115]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 111 votes for the Federal ticket and 132 votes for the Republican ticket in Rockingham.
[116]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, reports 15 votes for the Federal ticket and 9 votes for the Republican ticket in Somerset. The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, reports 15 votes for the Federal ticket and 7 votes for the Republican ticket.
[117]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 140 votes for the Federal ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Townshend.
[118]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 70 votes for the Federal ticket and 17 votes for the Republican ticket in Vernon.
[119]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 153 votes for the Federal ticket and 105 votes for the Republican ticket in Westminster.
[120]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 18 votes for the Federal ticket and 82 votes for the Republican ticket in Andover.
[121]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 86 votes for the Federal ticket and 137 votes for the Republican ticket in Barnard.
[122]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 37 votes for the Federal ticket and 114 votes for the Republican ticket in Bethel.
[123]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 142 votes for the Federal ticket and 114 votes for the Republican ticket in Chester.
[124]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 56 votes for the Federal ticket and 190 votes for the Republican ticket in Hartland.
[125]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 81 votes for the Federal ticket and 151 votes for the Republican ticket in Norwich.
[126]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 21 votes for the Federal ticket and 27 votes for the Republican ticket in Plymouth.
[127]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 105 votes for the Federal ticket and 70 votes for the Republican ticket in Reading.
[128]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 133 votes for the Federal ticket and 85 votes for the Republican ticket in Royalton.
[129]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 5, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 135 votes for the Federal ticket and 130 votes for the Republican ticket in Springfield. The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, reports 155 votes for the Federal ticket and 138 votes for the Republican ticket.
[130]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 154 votes for the Federal ticket and 86 votes for the Republican ticket in Weathersfield.
[131]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 166 votes for the Federal ticket and 212 votes for the Republican ticket in Windsor.
[132]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), April 12, Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT), April 14, The Centinel (Burlington, VT), April 22, and The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT), April 19, report 56 votes for the Federal ticket and 229 votes for the Republican ticket in Woodstock.


Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). April 5, 1813.
The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT). April 5, 1813.
The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT). April 7, 1813.
Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). April 12, 1813.
Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT). April 14, 1813.
The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT). April 19, 1813.
The Centinel (Burlington, VT). April 22, 1813.
Bennington News-Letter (Bennington, VT). May 12, 1813.
The Vermont Mirror (Middlebury, VT). May 12, 1813.
New-York Evening Post (New York, NY). May 15, 1813.

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.