New York 1816 State Senate, Middle District

State Senate (State)
State Senator
New York 1816 State Senate, Middle District
New York
First Ballot
State Senate/State Senator
Peter Swart, John Noyes, Martin Van Buren, George D. Wickham, Peter Swart Jr., Joel Thompson, Benjamin Knowland, James German, Barnabas Brown, James W. Wickham
Candidates: Peter SwartJohn NoyesMartin Van BurenGeorge D. WickhamPeter Swart Jr.Joel ThompsonBenjamin KnowlandJames GermanBarnabas BrownJames W. Wickham
Final Result: 1127111061109099909990197191111
District of Middle1127111061109099909990197191111
Albany County[1]9689609381785177917751---
City of Albany283279257475472-----
Ward One676561101102101----
Ward Two787763118115115----
Ward Three282828888987----
Ward Four888785103101100----
Ward Five222220656565----
Town of Bern123123123355355355----
Town of Bethlehem103104104297297297----
Town of Coeymans115115115696969----
Town of Guilderland555555141141141----
Town of Rensselaerville145145145126126126----
Town of Watervliet434343152150150----
Town of Westerloo969696169169169----
Chenango County[2]122611841206773772771-11-
Columbia County129012901290155715581553----
Town of Ancram535353102102102----
Town of Canaan246246247237237235----
Town of Chatham130130129196196196----
Town of Claverack197197195155155154----
Town of Clermont262626505050----
Town of Germantown9910747575----
Town of Hillsdale263263262161161161----
Town of Hudson154154151180181181----
Town of Kinderhook117117119219216215----
Town of Livingston141416959695----
Town of Taghkanick818182888989----
Delaware County1057981912641640566---1
Town of Colchester161616252525----
Town of Delhi787879848484----
Town of Franklin1248546656527----
Town of Hancock141414101010----
Town of Harpersfield146146146343434----
Town of Kortright176176176676767----
Town of Masonville383810343434---1
Town of Mereddith363636393938----
Town of Middletown104104104414141----
Town of Roxbury114114114373737----
Town of Sidney4486545520----
Town of Stamford828282979797----
Town of Tompkins[3]----------
Town of Walton858483545252----
Greene County[4][5]719718708880876877----
Town of Catskill104104102105103104----
Orange County[6]169716971641614605602----
Town of Blooming Grove979782212019----
Town of Cornwall596046161312----
Town of Deerpark616161242424----
Town of Goshen171171159676767----
Town of Minisink267267275716161----
Town of Monroe767675191818----
Town of Montgomery239239238113113113----
Town of New Windsor979883201918----
Town of Newburgh241241238525353----
Town of Wallkill218218214727878----
Town of Warwick171169170139139139----
Otsego County[7]192518301823180718081721----
Town of Burlington171171171949494----
Town of Butternuts161161161132132131----
Town of Cherry Valley808081155154155----
Town of Decatur292929262626----
Town of Edmeston919191383838----
Town of Exeter777777717171----
Town of hartwick179179178124124124----
Town of Huntsville----------
Town of Laurens767676959595----
Town of Maryland707070434343----
Town of Middlefield626262160160160----
Town of Milford777777737373----
Town of New Lisbon140140140404040----
Town of Otego535353272727----
Town of Otsego159160153199200199----
Town of Pittsfield323232171717----
Town of Plainfield646464112112112----
Town of Richfield129129129108108108----
Town of Springfield393939129129129----
Town of Unadilla[8]107111089893----
Town of Westford676767464747----
Town of Worcester626262292929----
Schoharie County101110151015715729717----
Town of Carlisle696969272727----
Sullivan County329328329207206206----
Town of Bethel353535111111----
Town of Liberty242424171717----
Town of Lumberland101010333----
Town of Mamakating110109110807979----
Town of Neversink353535565656----
Town of Rockland181818222----
Town of Thompson979797383838----
Ulster County105410581046929928931----
Town of Esopus333636109111114----
Town of Hurley474747535353----
Town of Kingston959594104103103----
Town of Marbletown100100100181181181----
Town of Marlborough114114115414242----
Town of New Paltz151151151989898----
Town of Plattekill606060838383----
Town of Rochester545454686868----
Town of Saugerties868686555555----
Town of Shandaken353535161616----
Town of Shawangunk172173161585555----
Town of Wawarsink888888262626----
Town of Woodstock191919373737----


[1]George D. Wickham received 1 vote as George Wickham.
[2]Martin Van Buren received 1 vote as Martin Van.
[3]No results from Tompkins were reported.
[4]The vote for Greene County includes the returns from Greenville. "The returns from Greenville rejected, the transcript not having been certified by the county clerk." The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY). June 15, 1816.
[5]"From Our Correspondent, Catskill, May 4, 1816, Gentlemen, The following are additional returns; ( Town of Cairo - Official ) - Republican majority for .... Senators 6. Greeneville .... Senators equal." Commercial Advertiser (New York, NY). May 6, 1816
[6]George D. Wickham received 1 vote as George Wickham.
[7]Martin Van Buren received 1 vote as Martin Van Burn.
[8]Martin Van Buren received 1 vote as M. V. Buren.


Original Election Returns.
Original Election Certificate, Town of Carlisle.
New Baltimore Town Records. 37.
Albany Daily Advertiser (Albany, NY). May 3, 1816.
Commercial Advertiser (New York, NY). May 4, 1816.
The Albany Gazette (Albany, NY). May 6, 1816.
Commercial Advertiser (New York, NY). May 6, 1816.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). May 7, 1816.
New-York Spectator (New York, NY). May 8, 1816.
The Columbian (New York, NY). May 9, 1816.
Albany Daily Advertiser (Albany, NY). May 14, 1816.
Northern Whig (Hudson, NY). May 14, 1816.
Orange County Patriot; or, the Spirit of Seventy-Six (Goshen, NY). May 14, 1816.
Ulster Plebeian (Kingston, NY). May 14, 1816.
The Albany Advertiser (Albany, NY) (Semi-Weekly). May 15, 1816.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 17, 1816.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). May 17, 1816.
The Columbian (New York, NY). May 18, 1816.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). May 21, 1816.
Cooperstown Federalist (Cooperstown, NY). May 23, 1816.
The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY). June 1, 1816.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). June 7, 1816.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). June 11, 1816.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.