New York 1813 State Senate, Western District

State Senate (State)
State Senator
New York 1813 State Senate, Western District
New York
First Ballot
State Senate/State Senator
Henry Bloom, Perley Keyes, Farrand Stranahan, Simeon Ford, Robert Campbell, Valentine Brother, Robert Brothers, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Isaac Van Dyke, Henry Wills
Candidates: Henry BloomPerley KeyesFarrand StranahanSimeon FordRobert CampbellValentine BrotherRobert BrothersStephen Van RensselaerIsaac Van DykeHenry Wills
Final Result: [1]1980219777197491661016608165962111
District of Western1980219777197491661016608165962111
Allegany County136136136111111111----
Broome County[2][3][4]355354353434433435----
Town of Berkshire272727808080----
Town of Chenango262415707070----
Town of Lisle171171173979597----
Town of Tioga262626202020----
Town of Union474747606060----
Town of Windsor585858107107107----
Cattaraugus County----------
Cayuga County213821372137839840840----
Town of Aurelius274274274113113113----
Town of Brutus163163163505050----
Town of Cato969696212121----
Town of Dryden239237239141414----
Town of Genoa296296293133133133----
Town of Locke[5]305306306106106106----
Town of Mentz888888242424----
Town of Owasco777777151515----
Town of Scipio252252253269270270----
Town of Sempronius304304304585858----
Town of Sterling121212-------
Town of Wolcott232323363636----
Chautauque County303303303248248248----
Town of Chautauque118118118686868----
Town of Ellicott242424313131----
Town of Gerry171717101010----
Town of Hanover656565393939----
Town of Pomfret797979100100100----
Chenango County[6]124812461243808807805-11-
Town of Columbus----------
Town of Coventry----------
Town of German----------
Town of Greene----------
Town of Jericho----------
Town of New-Berlin----------
Town of Norwich----------
Town of Oxford----------
Town of Pharsalia----------
Town of Plymouth----------
Town of Preston----------
Town of Sherburne----------
Town of Smithville----------
Town of Smyrna----------
Cortland County571570571452455444----
Town of Cincinnatus[7]163163163404030---1
Town of Homer115115115209209209----
Town of Preble303030969797----
Town of Solon343434111111----
Town of Truxton175174175737473----
Town of Virgil545454242424----
Genesee County144414441445497497497----
Town of Alexander----------
Town of Attica----------
Town of Batavia----------
Town of Bellona----------
Town of Bethany----------
Town of Caledonia----------
Town of Gates----------
Town of Leicester----------
Town of Middlebury----------
Town of Murray----------
Town of Parma----------
Town of Pembroke----------
Town of Ridgeway----------
Town of Riga----------
Town of Sheldon----------
Town of Warsaw----------
Herkimer County102110221014873873872----
Town of Columbia108108108838383----
Town of Fairfield119119113132128128----
Town of Frankfort636363474747----
Town of German Flatts132132132606060----
Town of Herkimer140141140101102101----
Town of Litchfield888887168171171----
Town of Newport444444313131----
Town of Norway747474777777----
Town of Russia373737808080----
Town of Schuyler888888111111----
Town of Warren128128128838383----
Jefferson County729723729796797797----
Town of Adams----------
Town of Antwerp----------
Town of Brownville----------
Town of Champion----------
Town of Ellisburgh----------
Town of Henderson----------
Town of Hounsfield----------
Town of Le Ray----------
Town of Lorraine----------
Town of Rodman----------
Town of Rutland----------
Town of Watertown----------
Lewis County[8]315315315227227227----
Town of Denmark----------
Town of Harrisburgh----------
Town of Lowville----------
Town of Lyden----------
Town of Martinsburgh----------
Town of Pinkney----------
Town of Turin----------
Madison County101810191014124112411243----
Town of Brookfield----------
Town of Cazenovia----------
Town of De Ruyter----------
Town of Eaton----------
Town of Hamilton----------
Town of Lebanon----------
Town of Lenox----------
Town of Madison----------
Town of Nelson----------
Town of Smithfield----------
Town of Sullivan----------
Niagara County531530529243243243----
Town of Buffalo303030353535----
Town of Cambria363636666----
Town of Clarence124124124272727----
Town of Concord404040434343----
Town of Edon111666----
Town of Hamburgh999999363636----
Town of Hartland111111222----
Town of Ishua303030888----
Town of Olean222122333----
Town of Porter333222----
Town of Schlosser121212222----
Town of Willink123123122737373----
Oneida County[9][10][11][12][13]190719011905262926292629----
Town of Augusta646464126126126----
Town of Bengal373737434343----
Town of Boonville999818181----
Town of Bridgewater636363727272----
Town of Camden126126126454545----
Town of Constantia666232323----
Town of Deerfield[14]686868666666----
Town of Florence202020222222----
Town of Floyd149149149555555----
Town of Lee898989262626----
Town of Mexico747474717171----
Town of Paris158158158501501501----
Town of Redfield595858-11----
Town of Remsen151515181818----
Town of Richland707069127127127----
Town of Rome116116116767676----
Town of Sangerfield434343136136136----
Town of Scriba222222666----
Town of Steuben444444585858----
Town of Trenton555555103103103----
Town of Vernon140140140214214214----
Town of Verona939292747473----
Town of Volney555262626----
Town of Western210210210141414----
Town of Westmoreland616161144144144----
Town of Whitestown160158159364363364----
Town of Williamstown323132575757----
Onondaga County[15][16]125012491241107310731070----
Town of Camillus232232232414141----
Town of Cicero181818-------
Town of Fabius128128128646464----
Town of Hannibal252525232323----
Town of Lysander323232626262----
Town of Manlius149148149112112111----
Town of Marcellus179179179253253253----
Town of Onondaga139139139155155153----
Town of Otisco17173848484----
Town of Pompey276276277194194194----
Town of Salina111111212121----
Town of Spafford262626232323----
Town of Tully181818414141----
Ontario County[17]217621712177225122512255----
Town of Avon109109109149149149----
Town of Benton210210210100100100----
Town of Bloomfield585858288288288----
Town of Boyle464646888888----
Town of Bristol434343149149149----
Town of Canandaigua104104104108108108----
Town of Farmington131131131727272----
Town of Genesco103103103989898----
Town of Gorham154154154125125125----
Town of Groveland616161161616----
Town of Honeoye545454696969----
Town of Jerusalem161617232323----
Town of Lima616161959595----
Town of Livonia404040464646----
Town of Lyons383838444444----
Town of Mendon343434414141----
Town of Middlesex999899343435----
Town of Naples181818545454----
Town of Ontario949494313131----
Town of Palmyra818181148148148----
Town of Penfield191919909090----
Town of Perrinton323232363636----
Town of Phelps196195196113113113----
Town of Seneca213210213127127130----
Town of Sodus111111999----
Town of Sparta808080222----
Town of Victor373737515151----
Town of Williamson343434454545----
Otsego County[18][19]165416511634173017321731----
Town of Burlington169169168101101101----
Town of Butternuts128128127109109109----
Town of Cherry Valley625962142145142----
Town of Decatur202020393939----
Town of Edmeston707070232323----
Town of Exeter747474585858----
Town of Hartwick150150139120119120----
Town of Laurens727271919191----
Town of Maryland515151292929----
Town of Middlefield434344162163163----
Town of Milford646464797979----
Town of New Lisbon113113113595959----
Town of Otego545454353535----
Town of Otsego134134128228227228----
Town of Pittsfield393939191719----
Town of Plainfield535353949494----
Town of Richfield103103102111111111----
Town of Springfield454545135135135----
Town of Unadilla808080383838----
Town of Westford505050393939----
Town of Worcester656565343434----
Saint Lawrence County[20][21]220220212615612611----
Schoharie County929929929768768768----
Town of Blenheim----------
Town of Broome----------
Town of Carlisle----------
Town of Cobleskill----------
Town of Jefferson----------
Town of Middleburgh----------
Town of Schoharie----------
Town of Sharon----------
Seneca County113611371136384385382----
Town of Fayette162162162323232----
Town of Galen424242333333----
Town of Hector[22][23][24]888888373737----
Town of Junius119119119103103103----
Town of Ovid300301301939392----
Town of Romulus162162162545454----
Town of Ulysses263263262323331----
Town of Wolcott----------
Steuben County2852842862412402392---
Town of Addison141414888----
Town of Bath363636505050----
Town of Canisteo121212292927----
Town of Cohocton666444----
Town of Dansville282828999----
Town of Howard333777----
Town of Jersey222111----
Town of Painted Post282828484848----
Town of Pulteney232323393939----
Town of Reading525252141414----
Town of Troupsburg313032151415----
Town of Wayne505050171717----
Tioga County[25]436436440150146149---1


[1]Stephen Van Rensselaer was a candidate for governor.
[2]Farrand Stranahan received 1 vote as Farrand Stranaham, 1 vote as Farrand Stanaham, and 1 vote as Farrand Stranahand.
[3]Robert Campbell received 1 vote as Roberk Campbell.
[4]Valentine Brother received 1 vote as Valentine Brothers.
[5]Valentine Brother received 1 vote as Valentine.
[6]Robert Campbell received 1 vote as Robert Campbess.
[7]Simeon Ford received 1 vote as Samuel Ford.
[8]Farrand Stranahan received 1 vote as Farrand Stranaham.
[9]The Albany Register (Albany, NY), June 8, reports 1908 votes for Henry Bloom, 1897 votes for Perley Keyes, 1906 votes for Farrand Stranahan, 2628 votes for Robert Campbell, and 2628 votes for Valentine Brother.
[10]The column of results for Valentine Brother in Columbian Gazette (Utica, NY) is not legible.
[11]The Columbian (New York, NY), May 18, The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY), May 19, and Columbian Gazette (Utica, NY) report 1902 votes for Perley Keyes; however, the sum of totals per town is 1901.
[12]The Columbian (New York, NY), May 18, The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY), May 19, and Columbian Gazette (Utica, NY) report 2628 votes for Robert Campbell; however, the sum of totals per town is 2629.
[13]The Columbian (New York, NY), May 18, and The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY), May 19, report 2627 votes for Valentine Brother; however, the sum of totals per town is 2629.
[14]The Columbian Gazette (Utica, NY) reports 66 votes for Farrand Stranahan in Deerfield.
[15]Farrand Stranahan received 2 votes as Farrand Stranaham, 1 vote as Fannand Stranahom, and 1 vote as Farranand Stranaham.
[16]The Albany Register (Albany, NY), June 8, reports 1238 votes for Farrand Stranahan in Onondaga County.
[17]Farrand Stranahan received 54 votes as Farrand Stranaham.
[18]The Albany Register (Albany, NY) reports 1655 votes for Henry Bloom and 1732 votes for Robert Campbell in Otsego County.
[19]Otsego Republican Press (Cherry Valley, NY) reports 1635 votes for Farrand Stranahan and 1730 votes for Robert Campbell in Otsego County.
[20]Farrand Stranahan received 1 vote as Farrend Strannahom.
[21]Henry Bloom received 1 vote as Henry Bloon.
[22]Henry Bloom received 1 vote as Hanery Bloom.
[23]Perley Keyes received 2 votes as Parely Keyes.
[24]Farrand Stranahan received 8 votes as Farrand Stranaham, 3 votes as Farnard Stranahon, and 1 vote as Farrend Strannaham.
[25]Simeon Ford received 25 votes as Simon Ford.


Original Election Returns.
The Broome County Patriot (Binghamton, NY). May 11, 1813.
Buffalo Gazette (Buffalo, NY). May 11, 1813.
Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, NY). May 11, 1813.
Otsego Herald (Cooperstown, NY). May 15, 1813.
Manlius Times (Manlius, NY). May 17, 1813.
The Columbian (New York, NY). May 18, 1813.
Columbian Gazette (Utica, NY). May 18, 1813.
The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY). May 19, 1813.
The Geneva Gazette (Geneva, NY). May 19, 1813.
Otsego Republican Press (Cherry Valley, NY). May 21, 1813.
The Columbian (New York, NY). May 24, 1813.
The Columbian (New York, NY). May 26, 1813.
The Columbian. (For the Country) (New York, NY). May 29, 1813.
The Columbian (New York, NY). June 5, 1813.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). June 8, 1813.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.