New York 1804 Assembly, Rensselaer County

Assembly (State)
New York 1804 Assembly, Rensselaer County
New York
First Ballot
Nehemiah King, Asa Mann, John L. Hogeboom, John Ryan, Jonathan Burr, Cornelius I. Schermerhorn, Joshua Burnham, Job Green, David Coons, Joseph Dorr, scattering
Candidates: Nehemiah King[1]Asa Mann[2]John L. Hogeboom[3]John Ryan[4]Jonathan Burr[5]Cornelius I. SchermerhornJoshua BurnhamJob GreenDavid CoonsJoseph Dorrscattering
Final Result: [6]2340194019351929191214371423141214099654
Rensselaer County2340194019351929191214371423141214099654
Town of Greenbush[7][8]261251246243241140140138144111-
Town of Hoosick[9]23020120220319111311611511375-
Town of Petersburgh296295292291291165163163165156-
Town of Pittstown[10]3662962982952948989896915-
Town of Schaghticoke[11]2332192202172176464646441-
Town of Schodack[12]156151150154147237222221224211-
Town of Stephentown296142142142140357355349355230-
Town of Troy[13]5343853853843912721401381441114


[6]"To the Electors of the County of Rensselaer, Fellow Citizens, By the proceedings of a meeting of which Gideon Tomlinson, was Chairman, and Samuel Mather Secretary, I understand that I am nominated as a candidate, to be supported at the ensuing election, for member of Assembly. This nomination I have uniformly opposed, whenever it was mentioned in my presence; and, as I am determined to support the opposite Ticket, I would thank my friends not to waste their suffrages upon me. Joseph Dorr, April 19th, 1804" The Albany Register (Albany, NY). May 4, 1804.
[7]The Albany Register (Albany, NY) lists 143 votes for Cornelius I. Schermerhorn.
[8]The Troy Gazette (Troy, NY) lists 118 votes for Job Green.
[9]The Farmers' Register (Lansingburgh, NY) lists 210 votes for Asa Mann.
[10]The Farmers' Register (Lansingburgh, NY) lists 87 votes for David Coons.
[11]The Republican Watch-Tower (New York, NY) lists 222 votes for John L. Hogeboom and 213 votes for Asa Mann.
[12]The Troy Gazette (Troy, NY) lists 137 votes for Jonathan Burr and 350 for John L. Hogeboom.
[13]The Troy Gazette (Troy, NY) lists 384 votes for Asa Mann.


Farmers' Register (Lansingburgh, NY). May 1, 1804.
Northern Budget (Troy, NY). May 1, 1804.
Troy Gazette (Troy, NY). May 1, 1804.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). May 4, 1804.
Lansingburgh Gazette (Lansingburgh, NY). May 8, 1804.
Republican Watch-Tower (New York, NY). May 9, 1804.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.