Massachusetts 1812 Electoral College, Eastern District 2

Electoral College (Federal)
Massachusetts 1812 Electoral College, Eastern District 2
First Ballot
Electoral College/Elector
Abiel Wood, James MacLellan, Lemuel Paine, Joshua Page, Nahum Baldwin, William King, scattering
Electors: Abiel Wood[1]James MacLellan[2]Lemuel Paine[3]Joshua PageNahum BaldwinWilliam Kingscattering
Presidential Candidate:DeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames Madison
Final Result: [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]5408539753974100409240704
District of Eastern Two5408539753974100409240704
Kennebec County194019351931187218631843-
Town of Augusta189189189646464-
Town of Belgrade414141666666-
Beaverhill Plantation555313131-
Bridgeton Plantation[11]-------
Town of Chesterville383838141414-
Town of Clinton484848838383-
Town of Dearborn111686868-
Town of Fairfax939393454545-
Town of Farmington1009999108108107-
Town of Fayette525252525252-
Town of Gardiner757575656565-
Town of Green292929777777-
Town of Hallowell186186186807979-
Town of Harlem515151171717-
Town of Kingville141414141414-
Town of Leeds373737122122122-
Town of Malta888424242-
Town of Monmouth292929144144144-
Town of Mount Vernon272727858585-
Town of New Sharon33333311011092-
Town of Pittston727272606059-
Town of Readfield808080626262-
Town of Rome202020262626-
Town of Sidney128128128393939-
Town of Temple444444333-
25 Mile Pond555252525-
Town of Unity999737373-
Town of Vassalborough170170170151515-
Town of Vienna191919222222-
Town of Waterville616161787878-
Town of Wayne676767363636-
Town of Wilton252525606060-
Town of Winslow424134473939-
Town of Winthrop133131133393939-
Lincoln County2725271927231656165716564
Town of Alma858585151515-
Appleton Plantation171717666-
Town of Bath314314314373737-
Town of Boothbay787878464646-
Town of Bowdoin636363666666-
Town of Bowdoinham107107107383838-
Town of Bristol133133133878787-
Town of Camden103103103929292-
Collamores Ridge Plantation[12]-------
Town of Cushing666303030-
Town of Dresden676666686868-
Town of Edgecomb373737484848-
Town of Friendship---313131-
Town of Georgetown156156156111111111-
Town of Hope232322394039-
Town of Jefferson595959434343-
Town of Lewiston777777515151-
Town of Lisbon118118118585858-
Town of Litchfield393939134134134-
Town of Montville626262444444-
Town of New Castle797979272727-
Town of Nobleborough555555353535-
Town of Palermo171717686868-
Patricktown Plantation[13]-------
Town of Putnam141414999-
Town of Saint George111767676-
Town of Thomastown8181811221181224
Town of Topsham117112117242424-
Town of Union838383646464-
Town of Waldoborough232232232----
Town of Wales777343434-
Town of Warren145144144404040-
Town of Whitefield111111666666-
Town of Wiscasset221222222393939-
Town of Woolwich118118118888-
Somerset County743743743572572571-
Town of Anson383838464646-
Town of Athens222222----
Town of Avon888222222-
Town of Bingham212121444-
Town of Canaan115115115606060-
Town of Cornville444444777-
Town of Emden101010262626-
Town of Fairfield828282484848-
Town of Freeman999141414-
Town of Harmony252525777-
Town of Industry323232212121-
Town of Madison505050373737-
Town of Mercer161616464646-
Town of New Portland888313130-
Town of New Vineyard191919333333-
Town of Norridgewock999999141414-
Town of Palmyra131313101010-
Town of Phillips444282828-
Town of Solon222222161616-
Town of Starks555555222222-
Town of Strong424242181818-
Plantation No. 3, range west of Kennebec River---171717-
No. Waldo Pond granted to David Green555292929-
No. Waldo Pond granted to John Warner777151515-


[4]The Eastern Argus (Portland, ME) of October 29, 1812 lists the Republicans as "Whig Candidates".
[5]Abiel Wood is listed with 5249 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 5285.
[6]James MacLellan is listed with 5238 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 5274.
[7]Lemuel Paine is listed with 5238 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 5274.
[8]Joshua is listed with 4007 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 4005.
[9]Nahum Baldwin is listed with 3995 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 3997.
[10]William King is listed with 4007 votes in the Official Election Returns but the town totals add up to 3975.
[11]There were no votes recorded in Bridgeton Plantation.
[12]There were no votes recorded in Collamores Ridge Plantation.
[13]There were no votes recorded in Patricktown Plantation.


Original Election Returns. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston.
Eastern Argus (Portland, ME). October 29, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 7, 1812.
The National Aegis (Worcester, MA). November 11, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). November 13, 1812.
Portland Gazette, and Maine Advertiser (Portland, ME). November 16, 1812.
New-England Palladium (Boston, MA). November 17, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 18, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 21, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). November 24, 1812.
The Freeman's Journal and Philadelphia Mercantile Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). November 25, 1812.
National Intelligencer (Washington, DC). November 26, 1812.
The Virginia Argus (Richmond, VA). November 30, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). December 9, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). December 15, 1812.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.