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Wilson, Ephraim K.
Maryland 1811 Electoral Assembly for State Senate, Worcester County
Maryland 1816 Electoral Assembly for State Senate, Worcester County
Maryland 1809 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1821 Electoral Assembly for State Senate, Worcester County
Maryland 1821 Governor's Council
Maryland 1814 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1808 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1815 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1820 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1819 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1821 State Senate
Maryland 1818 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1806 State Senate
Maryland 1812 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1811 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1810 House of Delegates, Worcester County
Maryland 1816 U.S. House of Representatives, District 8