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Turner, John
Maine 1823 U.S. House of Representatives, District 5
Massachusetts 1819 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1812 U.S. House of Representatives, Eastern District #7
Massachusetts 1818 State Senate, Oxford and Somerset District
Massachusetts 1805 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1816 State Senate, Oxford and Somerset District
Massachusetts 1811 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1809 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1810 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1812 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1807 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1808 House of Representatives, Turner
Maine 1820 House of Representatives, Turner
Massachusetts 1810 U.S. House of Representatives, Cumberland District
Massachusetts 1811 U.S. House of Representatives, Cumberland District, Ballot 2
Massachusetts 1806 House of Representatives, Turner