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Huntington, Henry
New York 1825 U.S. Senate, Senate Vote 1
New York 1806 State Senate, Western District
New York 1822 State Senate, District 1
New York 1818 U.S. House of Representatives, District 16
New York 1817 Assembly, Oneida and Oswego Counties
New York 1804 Assembly, Onondaga County
New York 1813 Assembly, Oneida County
New York 1824 Lieutenant Governor, Nomination, Ballot 2
New York 1805 Council of Appointment
New York 1801 Convention, Oneida County
New York 1817 Lieutenant Governor, Special
New York 1809 State Senate, Western District
New York 1824 Governor
New York 1808 U.S. House of Representatives, District 11
New York 1816 U.S. House of Representatives, District 16
New York 1804 State Senate, Western District
New York 1812 State Senate, Western District
New York 1824 U.S. House of Representatives, District 14
New York 1816 Assembly, Oneida and Oswego Counties
New York 1824 Lieutenant Governor
New York 1824 Governor, Nomination, Ballot 2
New York 1822 State Senate, District 5
New York 1815 State Senate, Western District
New York 1806 Council of Appointment
New York 1822 U.S. House of Representatives, District 19
New York 1822 Lieutenant Governor
New York 1825 U.S. Senate, Senate Vote, Ballot 2
New York 1803 State Senate, Western District
New York 1804 U.S. House of Representatives, District 16
New York 1804 U.S. House of Representatives, District 15
New York 1822 Governor
New York 1824 Governor, Nomination, Ballot 2
New York 1809 Assembly, Oneida County
New York 1823 State Senate, District 5