South Carolina 1824 House of Representatives, Union District

House of Representatives (State)
State Representative
South Carolina 1824 House of Representatives, Union District
South Carolina
First Ballot
House of Representatives/State Representative
Elijah Dawkins, James Moorman, Andrew Wallace Thomson, Nathaniel Gist, A. Boyce, John Dugan, Z. Handon, D. A. Mitchell, William F. Gist, R. G. H. Farr
Candidates: Elijah Dawkins[1]James Moorman[2]Andrew Wallace Thomson[3]Nathaniel GistA. BoyceJohn DuganZ. HandonD. A. MitchellWilliam F. GistR. G. H. Farr
Final Result: [4][5]79969167263961453250935914241
District of Union79368566963961453250935914241


[4]"There being two candidates named "Gist" and many votes being given without distinguishing by the first name, lost Mr. N. Gist his election, although the persons so voting declared they were intended for him." City Gazette and Commercial Advertiser (Charleston, SC). October 25, 1824.
[5]The City Gazette and Commercial Advertiser (Charleston, SC) lists 793 votes for Elijah Dawkins, 685 votes for James Moorman, and 669 votes for Andrew W. Thomson.


Original Election Returns. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
City Gazette and Commercial Advertiser (Charleston, SC). October 25, 1824.
Southern Patriot, and Commercial Advertiser (Charleston, SC). October 25, 1824.
Biographical Directory of the South Carolina House of Representatives. Vol. 1. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1974. 313.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.