Massachusetts 1812 Electoral College, Western District

Electoral College (Federal)
Massachusetts 1812 Electoral College, Western District
First Ballot
Electoral College/Elector
Eleazer James, Isaac Maltby, George Bliss, Benjamin Haywood, John W. Hulbert, Ephraim Williams, William Walker, Pliny Merrick, Solomon Snead, Thomas Shepherd, Moses White, Jesse Stebbins, Jonathan Davis, Joseph Walker, William Hooker, Abraham Lincoln, scattering
Electors: Eleazer James[1]Isaac Maltby[2]George Bliss[3]Benjamin Haywood[4]John W. Hulbert[5]Ephraim Williams[6]William WalkerPliny MerrickSolomon SneadThomas ShepherdMoses WhiteJesse StebbinsJonathan DavisJoseph WalkerWilliam HookerAbraham Lincolnscattering
Presidential Candidate:DeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonDeWitt ClintonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames MadisonJames Madison
Final Result: [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]1483014830148291482714827148275582557955775575556951681312402
District of Western1483014830148291482714827148275582557955775575556951681312402
Berkshire County226822682268226822682268157615771576157715771577-----
Town of Adams545454545454666666-----
Town of Alford373737373737181818181818-----
Town of Becket113113113113113113191919191919-----
Town of Chesire333333144144144144144144-----
Town of Clarksburg212121212121111111-----
Town of Dalton595959595959434343434343-----
Town of Egremont404040404040565656565656-----
Town of Florida333333333333888888-----
Town of Great Barrington152152152152152152494949494949-----
Town of Hancock454545454545414141414141-----
Town of Hinsdale818181818181141414141414-----
Town of Lanesborough102102102102102102747474747474-----
Town of Lee180180180180180180141414141414-----
Town of Lenox363636363636124125124125125125-----
Town of Mount Washington666666141414141414-----
District of New Ashford151515151515313131313131-----
Town of New Marlborough172172172172172172353535353535-----
Town of Otis818181818181303030303030-----
Town of Peru112112112112112112888888-----
Town of Pittsfield126126126126126126181181181181181181-----
Town of Richmond878787878787646464646464-----
Town of Sandisfield909090909090115115115115115115-----
Town of Savoy101010101010555555555555-----
Town of Sheffield151151151151151151707070707070-----
District of Southfield[22]-----------------
Town of Stockbridge929292929292585858585858-----
Town of Tyringham102102102102102102106106106106106106-----
Town of Washington646464646464242424242424-----
Town of West Stockbridge494949494949595959595959-----
Town of Williamstown777777777777575757575757-----
Town of Windsor787878787878585858585858-----
Franklin County238123812380238023792379619620619620620479----130
Town of Ashfield1271271271271271272626262626-----26
Town of Bernardston575757575757333333333333-----
Town of Buckland100100100100100100191919191919-----
Town of Charlemont100100100100100100555555-----
Town of Colrain13413413413413413491313131313-31--
Town of Conway1341341341341341347676767676-----65
Town of Deerfield224224224224224224-----------
Town of Gill808080808080-----------
Town of Greenfield929292929292242421242424-----
Town of Hawley121121121121121121999999-----
Town of Heath107107107107107107777777-----
Town of Leverett494949494949343434343434-----
Town of Leyden[23]585858585858393939393939-----
Town of Montague1211211211211211211313131313-----13
Town of New Salem146146146146146146404040404040-----
Town of Northfield626262626262787878787878-----
Town of Orange515151515151414141414141-----
Town of Rowe878787878787333333-----
Town of Shelburne133133133133133133666666-----
Town of Shutesbury595959595959494949494949-----
Town of Sunderland636363636363555555-----
Town of Warwick111111110110109110484948494949-----
Town of Wendell878787878787292929292929-----
Town of Whately7878787878782626262626-----26
Hampden County165416551653165416541654847846847846847658----189
Town of Blandford11811811811811811817171717172----15
Town of Brimfield157157157157157157222222-----
Town of Chester1091091091091091093737373737-----37
Town of Granville939393939393292929292929-----
Town of Holland363636363636444444-----
Town of Longmeadow117117117117117117888888-----
Town of Ludlow373737373737484848484848-----
Town of Monson118118118118118118656565656564-----
Town of Montgomery4747474747474040404040-----40
Town of Palmer123123123123123123141414141414-----
Town of Russell2727272727271717171717-----17
Town of South Brimfield333434333333242324232424-----
Town of Southwick191919191919939393939394-----
Town of Springfield195195194195195195848484848484-----
Town of Tolland737373737373242424242424-----
Town of West Springfield126126126126126126165165165165165165-----
Town of Westfield979797979797949494949494-----
Town of Wilbraham130130130130130130828282828282----80
Hampshire County275727562758275727572756310311311302300227----90
Town of Amherst210210210210210210666-66----6
Town of Belchertown275275275275275275131313131313-----
Town of Chesterfield979797979797494949494936----13
Town of Cummington1081081081081081082323232323-----23
Town of Easthampton92929292929233333-----3
Town of Goshen818181818181999999-----
Town of Granby156156156156156156131313131313-----
Town of Greenwich102102102102102102606060606060-----
Town of Hadley17217217217217217233333-----3
Town of Hatfield656565656564-----------
Town of Middlefield959595959595232323232323-----
Town of Northampton2532522532532532531111119------11
Town of Norwich969696969696-----------
Town of Pelham767676767676383838383838-----
Town of Plainfield121121121121121121-----------
Town of South Hadley135135135135135135333333-----
Town of Southampton1851851861851851851314141314-----14
Town of Ware646464646464252525252525-----
Town of Westhampton119119119119119119-----------
Town of Williamsburg127127127127127127-----------
Town of Worthington12812812812812812818181818181----17
Worcester County577057705770576857695770223022252224223022252227-----
Town of Ashburnham989898989898222222222222-----
Town of Athal145145145145145145171717171717-----
Town of Barre140140140140140140757575757575-----
Town of Berlin898989898989-----------
Town of Bolton10310310310310310355-553-----
Town of Boylston959595959595878888-----
Town of Brookfield2522522522522522521413141414141----
Town of Charlton979797979797969696969696-----
Town of Dana131313131313393939393939-----
Town of Douglas102102102102102102383838383838-----
Town of Dudley979797979797505050505050-----
Town of Fitchburg106106106106106106818181818181-----
Town of Gardner101101101101101101131313131313-----
Town of Gerry112112112112112112444444-----
Town of Grafton838383838383606060606060-----
Town of Hardwick145145145145145145535353535353-----
Town of Harvard999999999999878787878787-----
Town of Holden157157157157157157111111111111-----
Town of Hubbardston999999999999525252525252-----
Town of Lancaster186186186186186186222222222222-----
Town of Leicester107107107106107107333333333333-----
Town of Leominster113113113113113113585858585858-----
Town of Lunenberg838383838382555555555555-----
Town of Mendon656565666565102102102102102102-----
Town of Milford454445454545717171717171-----
Town of New Braintree127127127127127127121211121211-----
Town of North Brookfield959595959595474747474747-----
Town of Northborough102102102102102102888888-----
Town of Northbridge[24]-----------------
Town of Oakham121121121121121121404040404040-----
Town of Oxford787878787878-----------
Town of Paxton656565656565121212121112-----
Town of Petersham108108108108108108989898989898-----
Town of Princetown146146146146146146888888-----
Town of Royalston156156156156156156111111-----
Town of Rutland101101101101101101414140414140-----
Town of Shrewsbury139139139139139139414141414141-----
Town of Southborough107107107107107107-----------
Town of Spencer108108108108108108999999999999-----
Town of Sterling228228228228228228272727272727-----
Town of Sturbridge111111111111111111909090909090-----
Town of Sutton175175175175175175163163163163163163-----
Town of Templeton110110110110110110505050505050-----
Town of Upton787878787878323232323232-----
Town of Uxbridge109109109109109109292929292929-----
Town of Ward484848484848373737373737-----
Town of West Boylston808080808080101010101010-----
Town of Westborough949494949394595959595959-----
Town of Western858585858584606060606060-----
Town of Westminster179179179179179179292929292929-----
Town of Winchendon134134134134134134191919191919-----
Town of Worcester154154154153153154152149152148152152---2-


[7]The Eastern Argus (Portland, ME) of October 29, 1812 lists the Republicans as "Whig Candidates".
[8]Eleazer James was listed with 15324 votes but the town totals add up to 14830.
[9]Isaac Maltby was listed with 15326 votes but the town totals add up to 14830.
[10]George Bliss was listed with 15326 votes but the town totals add up to 14829.
[11]Benjamin Heywood was listed with 15325 votes but the town totals add up to 14827.
[12]John W. Hulbert was listed with 15324 votes but the town totals add up to 14827.
[13]Ephraim Williams was listed with 15325 votes but the town totals add up to 14827.
[14]William Walker was listed with 5577 votes but the town totals add up to 5582.
[15]Pliny Merrick was listed with 5588 votes but the town totals add up to 5579.
[16]Solomon Snead was listed with 5589 votes but the town totals add up to 5577.
[17]Thomas Shepherd was listed with 5585 votes but the town totals add up to 5575.
[18]Moses White was listed with 5586 votes but the town totals add up to 5569.
[19]Jesse Stebbins was listed with 5178 votes but the town totals add up to 5168.
[20]The scattering votes were listed as 471 but the town totals add up to 409.
[21]"Mr. Williams, on the above Ticket, is nominated in the room of Maj. Hoyt, to whom the only objection is that holding an office under the U.S. Government, he is ineligible to the office of Elector. Printers of papers in the district are earnestly requested to make this correction. - Voters will be careful that their votes name the towns in which each of the gentlemen on the PEACE TICKET resides." Hampden Federalist (Springfield, MA). November 5, 1812.
[22]The votes from Southfield were rejected.
[23]The votes for Jeremiah Stebbins, in town of Leyden, Franklin County, omitted in town records.
[24]The votes from Northbridge were rejected.


Original Election Returns. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston.
Bernardston Town Records. 301.
Brookfield Town Records.
Colrain Town Records.
Hardwick Town Records. 335.
Leyden Town Records. 64.
Ware Town Records.
Worcester Town Records. 258.
Eastern Argus (Portland, ME). October 29, 1812.
Hampden Federalist (Springfield, MA). November 5, 1812.
The National Aegis (Worcester, MA). November 11, 1812.
The True American and Commercial Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). November 11, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). November 13, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 14, 1812.
Thomas's Massachusetts Spy, or, Worcester Gazette (Worcester, MA). November 18, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 21, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). November 24, 1812.
The Freeman's Journal and Philadelphia Mercantile Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). November 25, 1812.
National Intelligencer (Washington, DC). November 26, 1812.
Columbian Centinel. Massachusetts Federalist (Boston, MA). November 28, 1812.
The True American and Commercial Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). November 28, 1812.
The Virginia Argus (Richmond, VA). November 30, 1812.
Salem Gazette (Salem, MA). December 15, 1812.
Davis, Walter A., ed. The Old Records of the Town of Fitchburgh. Vol. 4. Fitchburg, MA: Sentinel Printing, 1899. 67.
Metcalf, John G. Annals of the Town of Mendon, from 1659 to 1880. Providence: E. L. Freeman, 1880. 489.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.