New Jersey 1800 U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. House of Representatives (Federal)
U.S. Congressman
New Jersey 1800 U.S. House of Representatives
New Jersey
First Ballot
U.S. House of Representatives/U.S. Congressman
James Mott, Ebenezer Elmer, John Condit, William Helms, Henry Southard, Aaron Ogden, Peter D. Vroom, James H. Imlay, Franklin Davenport, William Coxe, William Southard, Aaron Kitchell, Silas Condit, Thomas Newbold, Abraham Kitchell, M. Furman, Jonathan Lambert, Artis Seagrave, D. Marsh, W. Woodhull, William Parrett, Joseph Cooper, Jonathan Elmer, W. Camfield, John Outwater, Stephen Sayre
Candidates: James Mott[1]Ebenezer Elmer[2]John Condit[3]William Helms[4]Henry Southard[5]Aaron OgdenPeter D. VroomJames H. ImlayFranklin DavenportWilliam CoxeWilliam SouthardAaron KitchellSilas ConditThomas NewboldAbraham KitchellM. FurmanJonathan LambertArtis SeagraveD. MarshW. WoodhullWilliam ParrettJoseph CooperJonathan ElmerW. CamfieldJohn OutwaterStephen Sayre
Final Result: [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]14726146371461414602145471417714118141061403714026983225141382222111111
Bergen County[21][22]691694699694694906908902900901----------------
New Barbadoes[27][28]133134136133133180179179177178----------------
Saddle River7071717171152153152152152----------------
Burlington County[29]70269870067567526262646261826182641----------------
Little Egg Harbour[33]--------------------------
Cape May County4343433742241240240243240----------------
Cumberland County786796778782782613618616607606------------1---
Maurice River999993997123125125126118----------------
Stoe Creek26272525259292928891------------1---
Essex County[41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48]341234003440342034221005991987980984----------------
Gloucester County93093092592382614021403140213881406981--------------
Egg Harbour98989898985151515151----------------
Town of Gloucester21232222225454545154----------------
Hunterdon County79879474977978317631735173917181701---21--18-111----
Middlesex County[56][57]66966867266766913481350134313511345----------------
East Windsor4747474747102102102102102----------------
City of New Brunswick4748484648342342339343339----------------
Perth Amboy26262626274141414140----------------
South Amboy8483848383136136136136136----------------
South Brunswick1313131313275275275275275----------------
West Windsor3939403939166166163165165----------------
Monmouth County617554562550560829809832815796----2--130--1-1411
Upper Freehold5144454445246247243244244----------------
Morris County[58][59][60][61][62][63][64]26872691269726812694277269270270271----------------
Salem County[69][70]872875870872874723721725724723----------------
Somerset County[71][72]55254455255057112791263128112781272-------11-------
Sussex County[74]1967195019591972195511651165115111451140--261012511------


[6]The Guardian, or New Brunswick Advertiser and The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ) use the spelling Helmes for William Helms.
[7]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, The Genius of Liberty (Morristown, NJ), January 1, Original Election Returns for Gloucester County, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) use the name D'Vroom for Peter D. Vroom.
[8]The Aurora. General Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA) uses the name De Vroom for Peter D. Vroom.
[9]The Aurora. General Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA) uses the spelling Cox for William Coxe.
[10]The Original Election Returns for Hunterdon County uses the name Condict for John Condit.
[11]The Federalist candidates are referred to as the Monarchical Ticket in the General Advertiser and the Aristocratic Ticket in The Albany Register (Albany, NY).
[12]The Republican candidates are referred to as the Anti-Federal ticket in Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31.
[13]The Federalist and New-Jersey State Gazette (Trenton, NJ) reports 14,726 votes for James Mott but the township totals add up to 14,728.
[14]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ) reports 14,609 votes for William Helms.
[15]National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC), January 12, 1801, reports 14,602 votes for William Helmsbut the township totals add up 14,532.
[16]National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC), January 12, 1801, reports 14,547 votes for Henry Southardbut the township totals add up 14,545.
[17]National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC), January 12, 1801, reports 14,177 votes for Aaron Ogdenbut the township totals add up 14,175.
[18]"By the above return our readers will perceive, that Messrs. Mott, Elmer, Condit, Helmes and Southard, composing the Democratic Ticket, are elected members of Congress by a majority of about 500 votes. It will be recollected, that in our last we stated, from the information we had received, that the Federal Ticket would probably succeed by a majority of between 1000 and 1500 votes. This calculation was founded upon the ordinary results of elections in this state, and was fully justified by that for members of the Legislature held in October last--but, it has failed!----The number of votes given in the counties of Essex and Morris, has not only exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the friends of the Democratic Ticket, but out-strips all calculations founded on precedent or reason, and justly excites a wonder, when the population of those counties is compared with that of the large counties of Burlington and Hunterdon. This wonder, however, will cease when we state, and from the most respectable authority, that in Morris and Essex, not only girls of the age of eighteen, but even married women were actually admitted to vote. In Sussex, also, we are credibly informed that the same illegal practices took place. Such being the state of things the election will probably be disputed at the next Congress. We cannot here forbear to state, that the Federalists have been shamefully negligent of their duty. They had votes enough in the state, good and legal votes, to overbalance all those of their opponenets, legal and illegal. [Trenton Pap.]" Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ). January 1, 1801.
[19]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30: "On Tuesday and Wednesday last, the election for choosing Members to represent this State in the Seventh Congress of the United States in the Seventh Congress of the Unites States, came on agreeable to a law passed at the last sitting of the Legislature of this State. It is with pleasure that we mention that notwithstanding the exertions that were made by the two opposite parties, that there was less discord, and a greater degree of harmony prevailed, than is common at contested elections. We mentioned in the Centinel of Nov. the 11th, that the Republican Spirit, which so universally prevailed among the Citizens of Essex, Morris and Sussex, when joined with their Republican friends of the other Counties of this State, if they did but exert themselvles, and turn out at the approaching election, we had nothing to fear from the power of the aristocratic faction. We are strengthened in that opinion by the following OFFICIAL returns from Essex, Morris, Bergen, and four townships of Sussex :-- ... The above majority exceeds the most sanguine expectations of the Republicans, and constitutes so large a number, as, in all probability, to ensure success." The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ). December 30, 1800.
[20]"The above statements prove that Messrs. Condict, Helmes, Southard, Mott and Elmer, are regularly chosen to represent this state in the next Congress of the United States. The exertions of the republicans in this important contest reflects the greatest credit on them, for their firmness and persevering industry, by which means they have completely defeated their opponents, and greatly retrieved the character of the state. With such men in our national councils, and Jefferson and Burr at the helm of state, we can justly anticipate the day as not being far off, when we may emphatically exclaim 'Hail Columbia, happy Land.'" The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ). January 6, 1801.
[21]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 694 votes for Henry Southard in Bergen County but the township totals add up 695.
[22]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 694 votes for William Helms in Bergen Countybut the township totals add up 695.
[23]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 53 votes for Henry Southard in Bergen.
[24]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 53 votes for William Helms in Bergen.
[25]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 159 votes for Henry Southard in Harrington.
[26]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 159 votes for William Helms in Harrington.
[27]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 135 votes for Henry Southard in New Barbadoes.
[28]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 135 votes for William Helms in New Barbadoes.
[29]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 2648 votes for the Federal Ticket in Burlington County and 704 votes for the Republican ticket, which they refer to as the Anti-Federal ticket.
[30]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 380 votes for the Federal Ticket and 116 votes for the Republican ticket in Burlington.
[31]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 114 votes for the Federal Ticket and 52 votes for the Republican ticket in Chester.
[32]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 239 votes for the Federal Ticket and 66 votes for the Republican ticket in Chesterfield.
[33]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 111 votes for the Federal Ticket and 21 votes for the Republican ticket in Egg Harbour.
[34]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 380 votes for the Federal Ticket and 116 votes for the Republican ticket in Burlington.
[35]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 286 votes for the Federal Ticket and 34 votes for the Republican ticket in Hanover.
[36]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 209 votes for the Federal Ticket and 109 votes for the Republican ticket in Mansfield.
[37]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 495 votes for the Federal Ticket and 75 votes for the Republican ticket in Northampton.
[38]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 229 votes for the Federal Ticket and 94 votes for the Republican ticket in Nottingham.
[39]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 155 votes for the Federal Ticket and 42 votes for the Republican ticket in Springfield.
[40]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, and Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, report 70 votes for the Federal Ticket and 17 votes for the Republican ticket in Willingborough.
[41]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 3412 votes for James Mott in Essex County but the township totals add up 3411.
[42]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 3400 votes for Ebenezer Elmer in Essex County but the township totals add up 3401.
[43]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 3440 votes for John Condit in Essex County but the township totals add up 3439.
[44]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 3420 votes for William Helms in Essex County but the township totals add up 3426.
[45]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 3422 votes for Henry Southard in Essex County but the township totals add up 3421.
[46]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 991 votes for Peter D. Vroom in Essex County but the township totals add up 988.
[47]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 987 votes for James H. Imlay in Essex County but the township totals add up 984.
[48]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) report 981 votes for Franklin Davenport in Essex County but the township totals add up 982.
[49]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 180 votes for James Mott, John Condit, William Helms, and Henry Southard in Acquackanonk, and 181 votes for Ebenezer Elmer.
[50]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 9 votes for Peter D. Vroom and 10 votes for William Coxe in Springfield.
[51]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 65 votes for James H. Imlay and 68 votes for Franklin Davenport in Westfield.
[52]The Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, reports 137 votes for the Federal Ticket and 16 votes for the Republican ticket in Alexandria.
[53]The Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, reports 183 votes for the Federal Ticket and 92 votes for the Republican ticket in Hopewell.
[54]The Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, reports 170 votes for the Federal Ticket and 30 votes for the Republican ticket in Maidenhead.
[55]The Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA), December 31, reports 389 votes for the Federal Ticket and 77 votes for the Republican ticket in Trenton.
[56]The Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ), January 1 reports 1345 votes for James H. Imlay but the township totals add up to 1344.
[57]"Many Federalists both in Somerset and Middlesex were culpably negligent at the late election--in those two counties at least 1000 votes were lost, so confident were they from a knowledge of the superiority of the federal interest in this state--a security from which they are now awakened to a sense of shame for their own want of activity and loss of honor to the state." Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ). January 8, 1801.
[58]The Centinel of Freedom reports 2690 votes for James Mott, 2694 votes for Ebenezer Elmer, 2684 votes for William Helms, 2693 votes for Henry Southard, and 271 votes for James H. Imlay.
[59]The Centinel of Freedom reports 2693 votes for Henry Southard but the township totals add up to 2697.
[60]The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA) reports 2690 votes for James Mott, 2694 votes for Ebenezer Elmer, 2684 votes for William Helms, 2695 votes for Henry Southard, 279 votes for Aaron Ogden, 271 votes for James H. Imlay and 272 votes for William Coxe.
[61]The Albany Register (Albany, NY) reports 2690 votes for James Mott, 2694 votes for Ebenezer Elmer, 2684 votes for William Helms, 2693 votes for Henry Southard, 279 votes for Aaron Ogden, 271 votes for James H. Imlay and 272 votes for William Coxe.
[62]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ) lists 2690 votes for James Mott, 2694 votes for Ebenezer Elmer, 2684 votes for William Helms, 2695 votes for Henry Southard, 279 votes for Aaron Ogden, 271 votes for James H. Imlay and 272 votes for William Coxe.
[63]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ) lists 2697 votes for John Condit but the township totals add up to 2699.
[64]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ) lists 2684 votes for William Helms but the township totals add up to 3384.
[65]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 442 votes for James Mott, 442 votes for Ebenezer Elmer, 442 votes for William Helms, 442 votes for Henry Southard, 27 votes for Aaron Ogden, 26 votes for James H. Imlay, and 27 votes for William Coxe in Mendham.
[66]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ) lists 444 votes for John Condit in Mendham.
[67]The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ), December 30, reports 159 votes for Ebenezer Elmer in Roxbury.
[68]The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ) lists 858 votes for William Helms in Roxbury.
[69]The Federalist and New-Jersey State Gazette (Trenton, NJ) reports 874 votes for James Mott in Salem County.
[70]"The whole number of votes which were taken in this county is -- 1598 -- so that we have a Republican majority of 150." Aurora. General Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). January 1, 1801.
[71]The Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ), January 1, reports 1270 votes for Aaron Ogden but the township totals add up to 1279.
[72]The Original Election Returns for Somerset County reports 1276 votes for Aaron Ogden but the township totals add up to 1279.
[73]John Condit received 32 votes as Condit.
[74]The National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC), January 12, reports 1163 votes for Aaron Ogden in Sussex County.


Original Election Certificate. New Jersey State Library, Trenton.
The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ). December 30, 1800.
The Newark Gazette (Newark, NJ). December 30, 1800.
Gazette of the United States, and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). December 31, 1800.
The Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). December 31, 1800.
Poulson's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). December 31, 1800.
Aurora. General Advertiser (Philadelphia, PA). January 1, 1801.
The Genius of Liberty (Morristown, NJ). January 1, 1801.
Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ). January 1, 1801.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). January 6, 1801.
The Centinel of Freedom (Newark, NJ). January 6, 1801.
The Federalist and New-Jersey State Gazette (Trenton, NJ). January 6, 1801.
The Genius of Liberty (Morristown, NJ). January 8, 1801.
Guardian; or, New-Brunswick Advertiser (New Brunswick, NJ). January 8, 1801.
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC). January 12, 1801.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.