Pennsylvania 1788 U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. House of Representatives (Federal)
U.S. Congressman
Pennsylvania 1788 U.S. House of Representatives
First Ballot
U.S. House of Representatives/U.S. Congressman
Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Henry Wynkoop, Thomas Hartley, George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimons, Thomas Scott, Peter Muhlenberg, Daniel Hiester, John Allison, Stephen Chambers, William Findley, William Irvine, Charles Pettit, William Montgomery, Blair MacClenachan, Robert Whitehall
Candidates: Frederick A. Muhlenberg[1]Henry Wynkoop[2]Thomas Hartley[3]George Clymer[4]Thomas Fitzsimons[5]Thomas Scott[6]Peter Muhlenberg[7]Daniel Hiester[8]John AllisonStephen ChambersWilliam FindleyWilliam IrvineCharles PettitWilliam MontgomeryBlair MacClenachanRobert Whitehall
Final Result: [9][10][11]8726828081918116811680967465745570987080663865466537640962775908
Bedford County9792919392902142125051175173173172172168
Berks County187272426754504582824442437440435430275
Bucks County682658656658657651259226647632231230220230220208
Chester County901904903890900895211209896890205198204199198199
Cumberland County28528328528726828115531559271271156915881563156015601562
Dauphin County12191968586794864987176495485494481480443
Fayette County29292829302850522427515453505252
Franklin County373375374363363365545541380364555552551554549545
Huntingdon County1341391341311381387065135133776665676670
Lancaster County771656655642652649320348647651347344347343342223
Luzerne County161717171717111717211111
Montgomery County367349311320321308300286266272246244243232209185
Northampton County3112712562602672614064192331186176177176155128
Northumberland County196198197195199197355355197195358355357356356353
City of Philadelphia17741743172616991714171882179612141217376333357309286272
Philadelphia County812786776769764766495495600593346337333329289293
District of Bussletown5859585858581257571111--
District of Germantown8285828382791671707777173169169170170168
District of Northern Liberties671642630628624629327323466459172167160158119125
Washington County[12]3328323335442983063332302308304299303307
Westmoreland County145137133137118118426426110129466459453425414426
York County14921497149714821488148620520314891475209204201193195198


[9]The History of Washington County uses the spelling Fitzsimmons for Thomas Fitzsimons and McClerrachan for Blair McClenachan.
[10]The Federalists were also known as the Lancaster Ticket. The anti-Federalists were also known as the Harrisburg Ticket.
[11]The History of Washington County lists the following vote totals: Thomas Hartley, 8263; Henry Wynkoop, 8246; Frederick A. Muhlenberg, 8707; George Clymer, 8094; Thomas Fitzsimons, 8067; Thomas Scott, 8068; Stephen Chambers, 7050; John Allison, 7067; Peter Muhlenberg, 7417; Daniel Hiester, 7403; William Findley, 6586; Charles Pettit, 6481; William Irvine, 6492; William Montgomery, 6348; Blair McClenachan, 6223; Robert Whitehall, 5850.
[12]"In the choice of eight congressman at large, at the first election in 1788 the Federalist ticket polled only 34 votes in Washington County and the Democratic Republican ticket 303." 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County Pennsylvania. Joseph F. McFarland. Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co.: Chicago, 1910. 146.


The Pennsylvania Herald, and York General Advertiser (York, PA). January 7, 1789.
The Pennsylvania Herald, and York General Advertiser (York, PA). January 14, 1789.
Baumann, Roland Milton. The Democratic-Republicans of Philadelphia: The Origins, 1776-1797. Dissertation, Penn. State, 1970. 608.
Creigh, Alfred. History of Washington County. Harrisburg, PA: B. Singerly, 1871. 77.
Jensen, Merrill and Robert A. Becker, ed. The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections: 1788-1790. Vol. I. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976. 378-379.
McFarland, Joseph F. 20th Century History of the City of Washington and Washington County Pennsylvania. Chicago: Richmond-Arnold Publishing, 1910. 146.

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.