Vermont 1813 Lieutenant Governor, Ballot 2

Lieutenant Governor (State)
Lieutenant Governor
Vermont 1813 Lieutenant Governor, Ballot 2
Second Ballot
Lieutenant Governor/Lieutenant Governor
William Chamberlain, Paul Brigham
Candidates: William ChamberlainPaul Brigham
Final Result: [1][2][3]112112
General Assembly112112
House of Representatives--


[1]Since no candidate received a majority in the general election, by Vermont law the election passed to the State Legislature. Daniel Chipman, the newly elected Speaker of the House and a Federalist, was charged with putting together a Canvassing Committee to determine an official count of the votes for governor and lieutenant governor. The presentation of this report would precede the votes for these offices in the legislature. The committee, dominated by Federalists, rejected all votes from the town of Colchester (in Chittenden County) on the grounds that soldiers who cast ballots in that town may not have been Vermont freemen. This meant that the three Republican Council members elected in Chittenden County should be replaced by their Federalist opponents. The seating of these Federalists meant that the 224 members of the legislature were evenly divided between Republicans and Federalists. The second ballot for Lieutenant Governor, conducted by the legislature, resulted in a tie. This necessitated a third ballot.
[2]"From the Rutland Vermont Herald (Rutland, VT). 'FROM OUR ATTENTIVE CORRESPONDENT. Montpelier, 24th. Oct. 1813. In my former letter, I stated to you some of the very extraordinary proceedings of the Federalists; I am now enabled to give some other facts equally astonishing. On Monday last, judge Smith, judge Crafts, and general Cahoon, presented a remonstrance to the Council, complaining of the doings of the Canvassing committee in rejecting the votes of Colchester, and claiming the seats in lieu of Painter, Dana and Fletcher. On this remonstrance the council sent a resolution to the house, requesting the two houses to meet in joint committee, to examine the doings of the canvassing committee. The house shrunk from the scrutiny, and refused to examine the doings of the canvassing commitee. The republicans having failed in every attempt to bring about an investigation of the corrupt proceedings of the canvassing committee, consented on Thursday last, to go into joint ballot for the choice of governor and lieut. governor. But here the most unaccountable occurance of all took place; governor Galusha presided, and the secretary of state was of course clerk of the joint meeting. Every member of both houses attended, consisting of 224 members. The secretary on counting the votes, declared, that there were but 223 votes give in, of which 112 were for Chittenden, and 111 for Galusha. The republicans being so well satisfied that there was mischief somewhere, immediately, drew up a certificate which was signed by 112 members, declaring that they had voted for governor Galusha!!! Upon this the republicans grounded a remonstrance and motion, yesterday, to go, into another ballot; the members proposing to add the sanction of an oath to their certificate - which was stoutly opposed by the federalist; and whilst the question was debating, governor Chittenden appeared in the house, took his oath, and made a speech!!! On the ballot for lieut. governor, the votes were, for Brigham 112 - for Chamberlain 112. Another ballot took place; but one of the republicans being sick, had gone out in the interim, to his boarding house, and before he could return the votes were counted, and Chamberlain declared elected by a majority of one, to wit, one hundred and twelve to 111. There having been 112 votes given for Brigham, lieut governor is, of itself, strong presumptive evidence, that Galusha had the same number; of course no choice for governor." The Alexandria Herald (Alexandria, VA). November 17, 1813.
[3]" '... Four federal councillors being thus fixed in their seats it only remained that a federal governor should be managed into office and the work of wickedness would be completed. Their exertions thus far had only produced an equilibrium in the politics of the joint committee--112 against 112. In this situation of things the day arrived for the choice of Governor and Lt. Gov,--A desperate battle was expected--all was anxiety in anticipation of the result. Nothing but corruption, fraud or accident could give us a Governor--which of the three gave us Martin Chittenden, I will not undertake to decide. The result of the ballot was--for Martin Chittenden 112--for Jonas Galusha 111. It was thus evident that either one republican member withheld his vote, or that one vote was not counted. On the first vote for Lt. Gov. there were for Paul Brigham 112--for Wm. Chamberlain 112 ...' " North Star (Danville, VT). November 11, 1813.


Rutland Vermont Herald (Rutland, VT). October 26, 1813.
North Star (Danville, VT). October 30, 1813.
The Washingtonian (Windsor, VT). November 8, 1813.
North Star (Danville, VT). November 11, 1813.
The Democratic Press (Philadelphia, PA). November 14, 1813.
The Alexandria Herald (Alexandria, VA). November 17, 1813.
Degree, Kenneth A. "Impasse! Vermont's 1813 Legislative Session." Vermont History. 78, no. 2. (Summer/Fall 2010). 151-180.
White, Pliny H. Jonas Galusha, The Fifth Governor of Vermont: A Memoir. Montpelier, VT: E. P. Walton, 1866. 11-12.

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