Pennsylvania 1815 House of Representatives, Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson Counties

House of Representatives (State)
State Representative
Pennsylvania 1815 House of Representatives, Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson Counties
First Ballot
House of Representatives/State Representative
James M. Kelly, Joshua Lewis, David Lawson, David Reed, William Robinson, Frederick Tarr, John Henry
Candidates: James M. Kelly[1]Joshua Lewis[2]David LawsonDavid ReedWilliam RobinsonFrederick TarrJohn Henry
Final Result: [3][4][5]793474429428221142138
District of Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson793474429428221142138
Armstrong County247213391762114296
Indiana County[6][7]54645390252200-42
Jefferson County[8][9]-------


[3]Several sources refer to William Robinson as "Robert Robison."
[4]David Reed is also listed at David Reid.
[5]The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA) from October 21, 1815 lists James M. Kelly with 792 total votes. This apears to reflect an addition or printing error in combining the totals from Armstrong and Indiana counties.
[6]The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA) from October 21, 1815 lists David Reed with 352 total votes, instead of 252. This is likely a printing error.
[7]The October 14th edition of The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA) provides the votes totals from Indiana county, excluding the returns from one township which had not yet been received. The totals reported are 442 votes for James M. Kellly, 377 votes for Joshua Lewis, 67 votes for David Lawson, 235 votes for David Reed, 165 votes for William Robison, and 20 votes for John Henry.
[8]Votes cast in Jefferson County are included in the totals for Indiana County.
[9]"Jefferson county will not give over 25 or 30 votes." The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA). October 14, 1815.


Original Election Returns. Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.
The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA). October 14, 1815.
The Greensburgh Gazette (Greensburg, PA). October 21, 1815.
The Democratic Press (Philadelphia, PA). November 6, 1815.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.