New York 1819 State Senate, Middle District

State Senate (State)
State Senator
New York 1819 State Senate, Middle District
New York
First Ballot
State Senate/State Senator
Charles E. Dudley, John T. Moore, Arunah Metcalf, Elisha Jenkins, Abraham Van Vechten, Solomon Southwick, John Van Schaick, Samuel Campbell, Thomas Humphrey, Samuel A. Smith, Willard Coye, Thomas T. Moore, John Siles, Charles Baker, Caleb Burdick, Seth Chase, Ebenezer Foote, Benjamin Hine, Daniel Hoornbeck, Thomas Jenkins, Martin Keeler, John King, Robert Livingston, John MacCollum, Stephen May, Appollus Moore, Henry Ogden, Jedediah Peck, Ira Seybolt, Peter Swart, Jr., Oliver Underwood, Levi Van Keuren, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, Philip Van Vactan, Frederick Womires, Lewis W. Young
Candidates: Charles E. DudleyJohn T. MooreArunah MetcalfElisha JenkinsAbraham Van VechtenSolomon SouthwickJohn Van SchaickSamuel CampbellThomas HumphreySamuel A. SmithWillard CoyeThomas T. MooreJohn SilesCharles BakerCaleb BurdickSeth ChaseEbenezer FooteBenjamin HineDaniel HoornbeckThomas JenkinsMartin KeelerJohn KingRobert LivingstonJohn MacCollumStephen MayAppollus MooreHenry OgdenJedediah PeckIra SeyboltPeter Swart, Jr.Oliver UnderwoodLevi Van KeurenPhilip S. Van RensselaerPhilip Van VactanFrederick WomiresLewis W. Young
Final Result: 840682997294637222401016533322211111111111111111111111
District of Middle[1]840682997294637222401016533322211111111111111111111111
Albany County8245874324978733645-----2----------1-1-------1--
City of Albany21310956134329106------------------------------
Town of Bern60571941798374------------------------------
Town of Bethlehem95592016181105------------------------------
Town of Coeymans9791--39-------------------------------
Town of Guilderland6041-60952------------------------------
Town of Rensselaerville131130717211------------------------------
Town of Watervliet8324-613016------------------------------
Town of Westerlo[2]857691301560------------------------------
Chenango County[3]10721071602399116136-333-2--1---------1-----------
Town of Bainbridge79802828-2------------------------------
Town of Columbus747445114------------------------------
Town of Coventry333320211-------------------------------
Town of German22225540-14------------------------------
Town of Greene3941615233------------------------------
Town of Guilford1281311920-1------------------------------
Town of Macdonough535366--------------------------------
Town of New Berlin85795345-1------------------------------
Town of Norwich1601606737633------------------------------
Town of Otselic18181010--------------------------------
Town of Oxford86852118251------------------------------
Town of Pharsalia272731--31------------------------------
Town of Plymouth50504328114------------------------------
Town of Preston6363161-15------------------------------
Town of Sherburne6161106316614------------------------------
Town of Smithville58583938-1------------------------------
Town of Smyrna3636231932------------------------------
Columbia County8748781420133216359-------------1-11---------1---
Town of Ancram23231111102-------------------------------
Town of Austerlitz88881013484-------------------------------
Town of Canaan47471039117-------------------------------
Town of Chatham879013710220-------------------------------
Town of Claverack1121141051065-------------------------------
Town of Clermont23232040--------------------------------
Town of Ghent505010710220-------------------------------
Town of Germantown557575--------------------------------
Town of Hillsdale9897114114--------------------------------
City of Hudson1081071481552-------------------------------
Town of Kinderhook615514514711-------------------------------
Town of Livingston15157574--------------------------------
Town of New Lebanon10110783852-------------------------------
Town of Taughkanic56579697--------------------------------
Delaware County[4]8979961349117964--------------1---------1-----
Town of Colchester------------------------------------
Town of Davenport134722-35------------------------------
Town of Delhi[5]67777-37-------------------------------
Town of Franklin747539391-------------------------------
Town of Hancock------------------------------------
Town of Harpersfield13915681214------------------------------
Town of Kortright16617220919---------------1---------------
Town of Masonville1717--2620------------------------------
Town of Meredith[6]37401-131------------------------------
Town of Middletown64735134-------------------------------
Town of Roxbury1431532364------------------------1-----
Town of Sidney[7]23219111-------------------------------
Town of Stamford[8]839240354-------------------------------
Town of Tompkins------------------------------------
Town of Walton71731-7-------------------------------
Greene County[9][10]64967358319462830-----------1------------------
Town of Athens24266265137------------------------------
Town of Cairo8083512462-------------------------------
Town of Catskill931086510799------------------------------
Town of Coxsackie4847120261001------------------------------
Town of Durham949612691439------------------------------
Town of Greenville7779138862------------------------------
Town of Hunter23272325-2------------------------------
Town of Lexington10610617234-------------------------------
Town of New Baltimore5446342236------------1------------------
Town of Windham505571375-------------------------------
Orange County[11]1132113477575949124----------------------1-----11
Town of Blooming Grove64643737116------------------------------
Town of Cornwall336768120------------------------------
Town of Deerpark56561111--------------------------------
Town of Goshen1251245956108------------------------------
Town of Minisink2042043132-1------------------------------
Town of Monroe47478282--------------------------------
Town of Montgomery149152133130-3------------------------------
Town of New Windsor32345047131------------------------------
Town of Newburgh1321271221192932------------------------------
Town of Wallkill14714911511133------------------------------
Town of Warwick173174686649------------------------------
Otsego County[12]119211791460130633130----2----1----------11-1------
Town of Burlington[13]1181216460817---------------------1-1------
Town of Butternuts616013012322------------------------------
Town of Cherry Valley10722921855------------------------------
Town of Decatur30301919--------------------------------
Town of Edmeston4744544841------------------------------
Town of Exeter38392525-1------------------------------
Town of Hartwick1241248882-6------------------------------
Town of Laurens66657676--------------------------------
Town of Maryland56582713-14------------------------------
Town of Middlefield[14]2829989413------------------------------
Town of Milford45466048-13------------------------------
Town of New Lisbon106111124214------------------------------
Town of Otego706987--------------------------------
Town of Otsego565923022437------------------------------
Town of Pittsfield242455--------------------------------
Town of Plainfield30306060--------------------------------
Town of Richfield7473625715----2----1----------1---------
Town of Springfield2337320427------------------------------
Town of Unadilla[15]53533826210------------------------------
Town of Westford51516161--------------------------------
Town of Worcester8283413615------------------------------
Schoharie County80281210019352591------------------------------
Town of Middleburgh1441441471502-------------------------------
Sullivan County26725815715586------------------------------
Ulster County[16]69771173070416613-------1--1-1------------1----


[1]The Albany Argus (Albany, NY) lists 8382 votes for Charles E. Dudley, 8277 for John T. More, 7293 for Arunah Metcalf, 2356 for Abraham Van Vechten, and 967 for Solomon Southwick in the Middle District.
[2]The Albany Argus (Albany, NY) lists66 votes for John T. Moore and 70 votes for Solomon Southwick.
[3]The Albany Argus (Albany, NY) lists 1070 votes for John T. Moore.
[4]The original election returns listed no votes from the towns of Colchester, Hancock, and Tompkins, and it appears that no election was held in these towns.
[5]Abraham Van Vechten received 1 vote as Abraham Van Vater in Delhi.
[6]Abraham Van Vechten received 1 vote as Abraham Vachten in Meredith.
[7]Abraham Van Vechten received 1 vote as Abraham G. Van Vetchen in Sidney.
[8]Abraham Van Vechten received 1 vote as Abram Van Vechten in Stamford.
[9]Arunah Metcalf received 1 vote as A. Metcalf in Greene county.
[10]The Catskill Recorder (Catskill, NY), May 5, reports 184 votes for Elisha Jenkins in Greene County.
[11]Solomon Southwick received 1 vote as Solomon S. Southwick.
[12]Charles E. Dudley received 1 vote as Charles Dudley.
[13]Solomon Southwick received 1 vote as Solomon Southworth.
[14]John T. Moore received 1 vote as John J. Moore.
[15]The Otsego Herald (Cooperstown, NY), May 10, reports 28 votes for Elisha Jenkins in Unadilla.
[16]John T. Moore received 1 vote as John P. Moore.


Original Election Returns.
Original Election Certificate, Town of Middleburgh.
New Baltimore Town Records. 48.
Orange County Patriot; or, the Spirit of Seventy-Six (Goshen, NY). April 13, 1819.
Independent Republican (Goshen, NY). May 3, 1819.
The New-York Evening Post (New York, NY). May 3, 1819.
Cherry-Valley Gazette (Cherry Valley, NY). May 4, 1819.
The Metropolitan (Georgetown, DC). May 4, 1820.
The Northern Whig (Hudson, NY). May 4, 1819.
Catskill Recorder (Catskill, NY). May 5, 1819.
The Albany Gazette (Albany, NY). May 6, 1819.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 7, 1819.
The Albany Gazette (Albany, NY). May 10, 1819.
Independent Republican (Goshen, NY). May 10, 1819.
Otsego Herald (Cooperstown, NY). May 10, 1819.
The Watch-Tower (Cooperstown, NY). May 10, 1819.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 11, 1819.
Cherry-Valley Gazette (Cherry Valley, NY). May 11, 1819.
The Norwich Journal (Norwich, NY). May 13, 1819.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 14, 1819.
Oxford Gazette (Oxford, NY). May 19, 1819.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 21, 1819.
Catskill Recorder (Catskill, NY). May 26, 1819.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). June 4, 1819.
National Advocate (New York, NY). June 4, 1820.
The New-York Columbian (New York, NY). June 10, 1819.
Catskill Recorder (Catskill, NY). June 16, 1819.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.