New York 1820 State Senate, Middle District

State Senate (State)
State Senator
New York 1820 State Senate, Middle District
New York
First Ballot
State Senate/State Senator
William C. Bouck, John I. Miller, Tilly Lynde, Joseph D. Monell, Ebenezer Wakeley, Jedediah Miller, Martin Van Buren, William Tayler, John D. Wickham, John Van Alen, John Tracy, Francis Henry, Ronse Clark, William Lee, I. I. Miller, William Wakeley
Candidates: William C. BouckJohn I. MillerTilly LyndeJoseph D. MonellEbenezer WakeleyJedediah MillerMartin Van BurenWilliam TaylerJohn D. WickhamJohn Van AlenJohn TracyFrancis HenryRonse ClarkWilliam LeeI. I. MillerWilliam Wakeley
Final Result: [1]1180911807118021103110952109551111111111
District of Middle1180911807118021103110952109551111111111
Albany County1021102110181723172017131111------
City of Albany234233232385383380----------
Ward One626262919191----------
Ward Two505050909088----------
Ward Three343434717272----------
Ward Four[2]555453838080----------
Ward Five333333505049----------
Town of Bern138138138332332332----------
Town of Bethlehem157157156324323322----------
Town of Coeymans136136136535353----------
Town of Guilderland606060142142141----------
Town of Rensselaerville171171171112112112----------
Town of Watervliet373737162162162----------
Town of Westerlo888988213213211----------
Chenango County128412861303917901911----1111--
Town of Bainbridge115115115353435----------
Town of Columbus636363333332----------
Town of Coventry454546363536----------
Town of Gailford130130130414141----------
Town of German474747878587----------
Town of Greene737374686968----------
Town of Macdonough323232787----------
Town of New Berlin[3]109110107838483----------
Town of Norwich205205205100100100----------
Town of Otselic333656----------
Town of Oxford103103102444544----------
Town of Pharsalia282829352935----------
Town of Plymouth494950616061----------
Town of Preston676767252425----------
Town of Sherburne616276141136136----------
Town of Smithville115115115727072----------
Town of Smyrna393942434343----------
Columbia County[4][5]125012671248173916981702--------1-
Town of Ancram858385918686----------
Town of Austerlitz126126126124124124----------
Town of Canaan737372129128128----------
Town of Chatham135135135167167167----------
Town of Claverack140153139117113115----------
Town of Clermont373637393939----------
Town of Germantown566868585----------
Town of Ghent797876139134134----------
Town of Hillsdale141142141120120120----------
City of Hudson137140138197188188----------
Town of Kinderhook778077201192194----------
Town of Livingston131213118117117----------
Town of New Lebanon144144144989898----------
Town of Taghkanie585859112107107----------
Delaware County[6]124212391241556556555----------
Town of Andes555555202020----------
Town of Bovina353535353535----------
Town of Colchester272727191919----------
Town of Davenport454545192020----------
Town of Delhi565656434343----------
Town of Franklin123123123555555----------
Town of Harpersfield176176176353535----------
Town of Kortright161161161646464----------
Town of Masonville323232373737----------
Town of Meredith575757373737----------
Town of Middletown757575262626----------
Town of Roxbury179179179282828----------
Town of Sidney313131282828----------
Town of Stamford757575575757----------
Town of Tompkins353234332----------
Town of Walton808080494949----------
Greene County819822822964963965----------
Town of Athens495050868687----------
Town of Cairo104103103959696----------
Town of Catskill105106108136133135----------
Town of Coxsackie555755129129127----------
Town of Durham103103103177177178----------
Town of Greenville119119119106106106----------
Town of Hunter202020313131----------
Town of Lexington106106106414242----------
Town of New Baltimore818181666666----------
Town of Windham777777979797----------
Orange County171417131714120612041205----------
Town of Blooming Grove909090848484----------
Town of Cornwall494949686868----------
Town of Deerpark757575272727----------
Town of Goshen174174174113113113----------
Town of Minisink318318318686868----------
Town of Montgomery209209209173173173----------
Town of Munroe626262116116116----------
Town of New Windsor808080898889----------
Town of Newburgh217216217163162162----------
Town of Wallkill208208208180180180----------
Town of Warwick232232232125125125----------
Otsego County192819271925166916631663---------1
Town of Burlington177177177777777----------
Town of Butternuts148148148118118118----------
Town of Cherry Valley[7]575756196189195----------
Town of Decatur313130303031----------
Town of Edmeston101101101343434----------
Town of Exeter686869414141----------
Town of Hartwick172172172949494----------
Town of Lawrens808080100100100----------
Town of Maryland787878434343----------
Town of Middlefield575757135135135----------
Town of Milford919191757575----------
Town of New Lisbon171171171454545----------
Town of Otego646464212021----------
Town of Otsego146146146190189189----------
Town of Pittsfield414141121212----------
Town of Plainfield484848878787----------
Town of Richfield104104104737372----------
Town of Springfield464646136136136----------
Town of Unadilla747474636263----------
Town of Westford[8][9]969695666463----------
Town of Worcester777777323232----------
Schoharie County108210611061898897882----------
Town of Blenheim122120120393838----------
Town of Broome111110110747475----------
Town of Carlisle646362575753----------
Town of Cobleskill141138139108106108----------
Town of Jefferson104104104717171----------
Town of Middleburgh161151150145147138----------
Town of Schoharie158154154162162156----------
Town of Sharon169167168194194193----------
Town of Summit525454484850----------
Sullivan County384384384227227227----------
Town of Bethel393939101010----------
Town of Liberty414141262626----------
Town of Lumberland111111555----------
Town of Mamakating130130130959595----------
Town of Neversink484848494949----------
Town of Rockland181818777----------
Town of Thompson[10]979797353535----------
Ulster County108610871086113311301132----------
Town of Esopus343434949494----------
Town of Hurley212121838383----------
Town of Kingston107108107136136136----------
Town of Marbletown108108108201201201----------
Town of Marlborough124124124494949----------
Town of New Paltz136136137908990----------
Town of Plattekill101101101414141----------
Town of Rochester818181626262----------
Town of Saugerties899089127126126----------
Town of Shandaken616161202020----------
Town of Shawangunk125125125114114114----------
Town of Wawarsing747474545354----------
Town of Woodstock242424626262----------


[1]Clintonians were also listed as Administration ticket.
[2]William C. Bouck received 55 votes as William C. Buck.
[3]The New York Statesman omits the 109 votes for William C. Bouck in New Berlin.
[4]John I. Miller received 1 vote as John Miller.
[5]Joseph D. Monell received 1 vote as Jose D. Munell.
[6]Joseph D. Monell received 1 vote as Joseph C. Monell.
[7]Ebenezer Wakeley received 7 votes as Ebenezer Blakeley.
[8]Joseph D. Monell received 1 vote as Jos. D. Monell.
[9]William C. Bouck received 1 vote as Wm. C. Bouck.
[10]The New York Statesman transposed the totals for William C. Bouck and Tilly Lynde.


Original Election Certificate, Town of Wawarsing.
New Baltimore Town Records. 52.
Orange County Patriot; or, the Spirit of Seventy-Six (Goshen, NY). April 10, 1820.
Ulster Plebeian (Kingston, NY). April 15, 1820.
The Schoharie Observer (Schoharie, NY). April 18, 1820.
The American (New York, NY). May 1, 1820.
Orange County Patriot; or, the Spirit of Seventy-Six (Goshen, NY). May 1, 1820.
National Advocate (New York, NY). May 2, 1820.
The Schoharie Observer (Schoharie, NY). May 2, 1820.
The American (New York, NY). May 3, 1820.
Catskill Recorder (Catskill, NY). May 10, 1820.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 12, 1820.
The Albany Argus (Albany, NY). May 16, 1820.
The New-York Columbian (New York, NY). June 6, 1820.
The New-York Statesman (Albany, NY). June 6, 1820.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).
handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.