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272. Massachusetts 1816 Treasurer, Lynn
273. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Cheshire County
274. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Grafton County
275. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Hillsborough County
276. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Rockingham County
277. New Hampshire 1816 Treasurer, Strafford County
278. Ohio 1816 Treasurer
279. Ohio 1816 Treasurer, Ballot 2
280. Ohio 1816 Treasurer, Ballot 3
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One who has officially the charge of treasure; originally, a person entrusted with the receipt, care, and disbursement of the revenues of a king, noble, or other dignitary, of a state, city, or church; now, one who is responsible for the funds of a public body, or of any corporation, association, society, or club.
Oxford English Dictionary
1787 - 1824: Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennyslvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia
Office Scope: State / County / City / Town(ship)
Role Scope: State / County / District / City / Town(ship)