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Governor's Council
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182. Maryland 1816 Governor's Council
183. Massachusetts 1816 Governor's Council
184. Massachusetts 1816 Governor's Council, Ballot 2
185. New Hampshire 1816 Governor's Council, Cheshire County
186. New Hampshire 1816 Governor's Council, Coos and Grafton Counties
187. New Hampshire 1816 Governor's Council, Hillsborough County
188. New Hampshire 1816 Governor's Council, Rockingham County
189. New Hampshire 1816 Governor's Council, Strafford County
190. Vermont 1816 Council
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Governor's Council
In Crown colonies and dependencies of Great Britain, a body assisting the governor in an executive or legislative capacity, or in both. This survives in some of the United States, as in Massachusetts and Maine, in the advisory body called the Governor's Council. Though called Council, the position in Vermont was the same as Governor's Council in other states and was part of the Executive Branch of the Government.
Oxford English Dictionary
1790 - 1824: Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, Vermont
Office Scope: State
Role Scope: State / County (New Hampshire)