Vermont 1802 U.S. House of Representatives, District 2

U.S. House of Representatives (Federal)
U.S. Congressman
Vermont 1802 U.S. House of Representatives, District 2
First Ballot
U.S. House of Representatives/U.S. Congressman
Lewis R. Morris, James Elliot, Paul Brigham, Amasa Paine, Lot Hall, Daniel Farrand, Stephen Jacob, Aaron Leland, Nathan Coolidge, Alden Spooner, Mark Richards, Daniel Buck, T. Gross, Jonathan Hunt, Nathaniel Niles, scattering
Candidates: Lewis R. MorrisJames ElliotPaul BrighamAmasa PaineLot HallDaniel FarrandStephen JacobAaron LelandNathan CoolidgeAlden SpoonerMark RichardsDaniel BuckT. GrossJonathan HuntNathaniel Nilesscattering
Final Result: [1][2][3][4]127011881508224181610875211125
District of Southeast127011881508224181610875211125
Windham County----------------
Town of Acton----------------
Town of Athens----------------
Town of Brattleborough[5]7316125------------
Town of Brookline----------------
Town of Dummerston6931-1-----------4
Town of Grafton51----1----------
Town of Guilford15-60------------1
Town of Halifax44210-------------
Town of Jamaica36----1----------
Town of Londonderry----------------
Town of Marlboro[6][7][8]6127-2-----------
Town of Newfane[9][10]563--------------
Town of Putney[11]541-1223----------
Town of Rockingham84--2------------
Town of Somerset----------------
Town of Stratton1---11-----------
Town of Townshend49--8------------
Town of Vernon[12][13]28-15------------
Town of Wardsboro[14]411--------------
Town of Westminster[15]4243-21--------1--
Town of Whitingham9--------------12
Town of Wilmington2919-31-----------
Town of Windham821--------------
Windsor County4299394934-89861-19--
Town of Andover[16]----------------
Town of Baltimore[17]----------------
Town of Barnard1110311--7--1------
Town of Bethel1816--------------
Town of Bridgewater[18]----------------
Town of Cavendish[19][20][21]176--1-----------
Town of Chester4842--3--6--------
Town of Hartford1260-------------2
Town of Hartland451------75------
Town of Ludlow[22][23][24]-35-------------3
Town of Norwich[25]122415------------2
Town of Plymouth1433-------------1
Town of Pomfret436---------1----
Town of Reading[26]-95--------------
Town of Rochester263-------------1
Town of Royalton791912--1-------1-
Town of Sharon[27]----------------
Town of Springfield[28]8316-----3--------
Town of Stockbridge-33--------------
Town of Weathersfield5924-------------2
Town of Weston[29]3231-------------
Town of Windsor58166------1-------
Town of Woodstock[30][31]211171-------------


[1]Vermont law required a majority to elect for the U.S. House of Representatives. A second ballot would be held on March 1, 1803.
[2]"We learn that the votes from Grafton, Ludlow, and Andover, were illegally returned." Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). December 28, 1802. Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). January 3, 1803.
[3]"Ludlow and Andover for Elliot, and Newfane for Morris, are lost by illegal returns." Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). January 17, 1803.
[4]The official totals as listed in several sources, including the Federal Galaxy, January 17, the The Rutland Herald (Rutland, VT), January 22, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), January 18, and the Vermont Centinel (Burlington, VT), January 27, were 1214 votes for Lewis R. Morris and 1150 for James Elliot.
[5]The Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 21, reports 11 votes for James Elliott and 2 votes for Paul Brigham in Brattleborough
[6]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, and the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, report 5 votes for Lewis R. Morris and 2 votes for Amasa Paine in Marlboro.
[7]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 28, reports 5 votes for Lewis R. Morris in Marlboro.
[8]Lewis R. Morris received one vote as L. Morris in Marlboro.
[9]The votes from Newfane were rejected.
[10]The Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, reports 55 votes for Lewis R. Morris in Newfane.
[11]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, and Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 28, report 47 votes for Lewis R. Morris and no votes for James Elliot in Putney.
[12]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, the Vermont Gazette (Bennington, VT), December 20, and the National Intelligencer, December 29, report 15 votes for Amasa Paine in Vernon.
[13]Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 21, lists these votes under Hinsdale, Vernon's former name.
[14]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 28, and the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, report 35 votes for Lewis R. Morris in Wardsboro.
[15]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, reports 1 vote for Amasa Paine in Westminster, while the Vermont Gazette (Bennington, VT), December 20 reports no votes for Amasa Paine in Westminster.
[16]There were no votes recorded in Andover.
[17]There were no votes recorded in Baltimore.
[18]There were no votes recorded in Bridgewater.
[19]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, reports 98 votes for James Elliot in Cavendish.
[20]The Federal Galaxy, December 20 and Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 21, report no votes for Lewis R. Morris in Cavendish.
[21]The Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 21, other than the 76 votes for Lewis R. Morris and 1 vote James Elliott, reports 4 scattering votes in Cavendish.
[22]The votes from Ludlow were rejected.
[23]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, reports 39 votes for James Elliot in Ludlow.
[24]The Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT) only reports the 35 votes for Lewis R. Morris and does not list votes for any other candidates in Ludlow.
[25]The Federal Galaxy, January 3, and the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, report 2 votes for Lewis R. Morris and 25 for James Elliot in Norwich.
[26]The Federal Galaxy, January 3, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 28, and the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 28, report 1 vote for Lewis R. Morris and 75 for James Elliot in Reading.
[27]There were no votes recorded in Sharon.
[28]The Federal Galaxy, December 27, Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 21, and the Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 21, report 84 votes for Lewis R. Morris in Springfield.
[29]The Federal Galaxy, January 3, reports 1 vote for Lewis R. Morris in Weston.
[30]The Federal Galaxy, December 20, reports 21 votes for Lewis R. Morris and 120 votes for James Elliot in Woodstock.
[31]The Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT), December 21, and Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT), December 21, reports 28 votes for Lewis R. Morris, and 118 for James Elliot in Woodstock.


Barnard Town Records.
Bethel Town Records.
Brattleborough Town Records.
Cavendish Town Records.
Chester Town Records.
Grafton Town Records.
Halifax Town Records.
Hartland Town Records.
Jamaica Town Records.
Marlboro Town Records.
Newfane Town Records.
Pomfret Town Records.
Putney Town Records.
Royalton Town Records.
Springfield Town Records.
Stockbridge Town Records.
Stratton Town Records.
Townshend Town Records.
Wardsboro Town Records.
Westminster Town Records.
Wilmington Town Records.
Windham Town Records.
Woodstock Town Records.
Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). December 13, 1802.
Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT). December 14, 1802.
Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). December 20, 1802.
Vermont Gazette (Bennington, VT). December 20, 1802.
Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). December 21, 1802.
Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT). December 21, 1802.
Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). December 27, 1802.
The Rutland Herald (Rutland, VT). December 27, 1802.
Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). December 28, 1802.
Windsor Federal Gazette (Windsor, VT). December 28, 1802.
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC). December 29, 1802.
Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). January 3, 1803.
Vermont Centinel (Burlington, VT). January 13, 1803.
The Rutland Herald (Rutland, VT). January 15, 1803.
Federal Galaxy (Brattleboro, VT). January 17, 1803.
Spooner's Vermont Journal (Windsor, VT). January 18, 1803.
The Green Mountain Patriot (Peacham, VT). January 19, 1803.
Middlebury Mercury (Middlebury, VT). January 19, 1803.
The Rutland Herald (Rutland, VT). January 22, 1803.
Weekly Wanderer (Randolph, VT). January 22, 1803.
Connecticut Gazette, and the Commercial Intelligencer (New London, CT). February 23, 1803.
The Green Mountain Patriot (Peacham, VT). January 26, 1803.
Vermont Centinel (Burlington, VT). January 27, 1803.
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC). January 28, 1803.
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Washington, DC). January 29, 1803.

Page Images

handwritten notes
Phil's original notebook pages that were used to compile this election. These notes are considered a draft of the electronic version. Therefore, the numbers may not match. To verify numbers you will need to check the original sources cited. Some original source material is available at the American Antiquarian Society).

These election records were released on 11 January 2012. Versions numbers are assigned by state. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are complete and are in Version 1.0. All other states are in a Beta version. For more information go to the about page.