New York 1798 Assembly, Albany County

Assembly (State)
New York 1798 Assembly, Albany County
New York
First Ballot
Dirck Ten Broeck, Andrew H. Heermance, Philip P. Schuyler, Jeremiah Lansingh, Prince Doty, James Bill, Johan Jost Dietz, Joseph Shurtleff, Thomas E. Barker, Jellis A. Fonda, Abraham G. Lansing, Peter West, Hendrick Burhans, John Thornton
Candidates: Dirck Ten Broeck[1]Andrew H. Heermance[2]Philip P. Schuyler[3]Jeremiah Lansingh[4]Prince Doty[5]James Bill[6]Johan Jost Dietz[7]Joseph Shurtleff[8]Thomas E. Barker[9]Jellis A. FondaAbraham G. LansingPeter WestHendrick BurhansJohn Thornton
Final Result: [10][11][12][13][14]231422412133212320391993192418331741448272272196167
Albany County231422412133212320391993192418331741448272272196167
City of Albany36331232327822723929024423493120859185
Ward One1891561601211021091411131046686656564
Ward Two11310710710692931049493121710109
Ward Three6149565133374537371517101612
Town of Berne19219019119118319118919119011171
Town of Bethleham106160164151148147161791481714191912
Town of Coeymans838272635060575424342161616
Town of Coxsackie231229216197221217121221192-11--
Town of Duanesburgh246244245239244239221239238877--
Town of Freehold[15]--------------
Town of Princetown4949424949421642429-7--
Town of Rensselaerville289282284285271224262287273--62--
City of Schenectady4614143174424414193423033811712712121
Ward One15214015814914913884481291051988-
Ward Two1551404814914714712112011433534-
Ward Three51461850504849405011----
Ward Four10388939495868895882231-1
Town of Watervliet29427927922820521526517321410461525152


[10]"Mr. Dietz lost 361 votes, by his name having been written John instead of Johan Jost Dietz." The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY). June 1, 1798.
[11]"A number of votes were given for Henry Burhans - and there were a number of scattering votes." The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY). June 1, 1798.
[12]The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY) lists 2128 votes for Philip P. Schuyler but an addition of the totals of the several counties gives above.
[13]The Albany Register (Albany, NY) lists 2112 votes for Philip P. Schuyler but an addition of the totals of the several counties gives above.
[14]The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY) and The Albany Register (Albany, NY) list 2115 votes for Jeremiah Lansingh, 2367 votes for Dirck Ten Broeck, 2040 votes for Prince Doty, 1926 votes for John Jost Dietz, 438 votes for Jellis A. Fonda, 262 votes for Abraham G. Lansing and 203 votes for Hendrick Burhans but the town totals add up to the above totals.
[15]"The votes of Freehold, 151, were lost, on account of the poll-books not having been signed by the Inspectors." The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY). June 1, 1798


The Albany Centinel (Albany, NY). June 1, 1798.
The Albany Register (Albany, NY). June 4, 1798.
Munsell, Joel. The Annals of Albany. Vol. V. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1854. 191.

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